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passerine birds - index of articles

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Title Authors Year Issuesort descending Pages
Combining audio and non-audio inputs in evolved neural networks for ovenbird classification Sergio Poo Hernandez, Vadim Bulitko & Erin Bayne In press
Acoustic differentiation of calls in the closely related Dartford (Curruca undata), Marmora’s (Curruca sarda) and Balearic Warblers (Curruca balearica) María Calviño-Cancela & Julio Martín-Herrero In press
Acoustic Behaviour of the Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus in a Newly Founded Population in Southern Germany [abstract] R. Höhnen and H.-W. Helb 1992 1 71
Loudness of syllables is related to syntax and phonology in the songs of canaries and seedeaters [abstract] Cardoso, G & Mota, P G 2012 1 29-30
Song changes within and between seasons and their hormonal correlates in the domesticated canary (Serinus canaria) [abstract] Leitner, S & Voigt, C 2012 1 44
Effects of cover on loud trill-call and soft seet-call use in the crested tit Lophophanes cristatus [abstract] Krama, T., Krams, I, Berzins, A. & Igaune, K. 2012 1 73-74
The Song Overlap Null model Generator (SONG): a new tool for distinguishing between random and non-random song overlap Masco, Christina; Allesina, Stefano; Mennill, Daniel; Pruett-Jones, Stephen 2016 1 29-40
Higher-pitched song towards the coast supports a role for selection in ocean noise avoidance Matteo Sebastianelli, Daniel T. Blumstein & Alexander N. G. Kirschel 2022 1 41-58
Do black-capped warblers Sylvia atricapilla sing different songs during intra- and interspecific territorial contests? [abstract] P. Matyjasiak and M. Fuszara 2002 1 99-100
Acoustic Differences in Canary Islands Blue Tits Parus caeruleus [abstract] Brigitte Schottler 1992 1 72
Acoustic interactions in small groups of forest birds, the European wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) [abstract] Courvoisier, H; Camacho Schlenker, S & Aubin, T 2012 1 30
Singing the popular songs? Do common nightingales adjust their song to the songs of the population? [abstract] S. Kiefer, C. Sommer, C. Scharff & S. Kipper 2012 1 39-40
The energetics of singing in noise - metabolic and respiratory costs of increasing song amplitude [abstract] Zollinger, S A, Goller, F & Brumm, H 2012 1 85
Structure, syntax, and ‘small-world’ organization in the complex songs of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum) Martin L. Cody, Edward Stabler, Héctor Manuel Sánchez Castellanos & Charles E. Taylor 2016 1 41-54
Use of simple graded signals in the long-distance vocal communication of a forest thrush (Catharus fuscescens) Christopher M. Heckscher 2022 1 91-123
Recent bioacoustic publications (1993 and earlier) Part II Passerine birds - General Hansen, P. 1994 1 51-68
Repeatability and heritability of song repertoire characteristics in the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus [abstract] G. Gil 2002 1 100-101
Zum Singflug des Schilfrohrsabgers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus [abstract] H. Heuwinkel 1992 1 72
Song stability and neighbour-stranger vocal discrimination in a migratory songbird: a long-term perspective [abstract] Draganoiu, T I & Mathevon, N 2012 1 30-31
Seasonal patterns of singing in relation to breeding in the common nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos [abstract] Mortega, K G; Scharff, C & Hultsch, H 2012 1 49
Two distinct song populations of Blue Tit Parus caeruleus in the French Mediterranean C. Doutrelant, T. Aubin, S. Hitier & M.M. Lambrechts 1998 1 1-16
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part I Invertebrates-Passerine birds Hansen, P. 1996 1 53-72
Temporal and sequential organization of song in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus [abstract] Stefan Fischer 1994 1 70-71
Correlations between song complexity and potential estimates of male quality in common blackbirds [abstract] Hesler, N , Mundry, R , Sacher, T , Coppack, T , Bairlein, F & Dabelsteen, T 2012 1 37
Acoustic signalling of hunger and identity in colonial weaver bird chicks [abstract] Reers, H & Jacot, A 2012 1 51
Different singing styles of mated and unmated males in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus [abstract] Erwin Nemeth 1994 1 71
Do flight calls influence orientation of night-migrating birds? [abstract] Larsen, O N , Andersen, B B , Reichl, T , Kropp, W & Mouritsen, H 2012 1 42-43
Female preference and song amplitude in the zebra finch – is it sexy to sing loud? [abstract] Ritschard, M, Riebel, K & Brumm, H 2012 1 51-52
A test of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis in three types of tropical forest: degradation of male and female Rufous-and-white Wren songs Brendan A. Graham, Luis Sandoval, Torben Dabelsteen & Daniel J. Mennill 2017 1 37-61
Nestling Call Modification During Early Development in a Colonial Passerine Paulo A. M. Marques, Carlos B. DE Araújo and Luís Vicente 2010 1 45-58
Does the redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus mimic bird species heard during migration? Jacques Comolet-Tirman 1994 1 73-79
Vocal duetting behaviour of the Moustached Wren Thryothorus genibarbis in Amazonia [abstract] Monte, A A , Vielliard, J M E & Silva, M L 2012 1 48
Re-evaluating song plasticity in male great tits (Parus major) [abstract] Rivera-Gutiérrez, H F; Pinxten, R & Eens M 2012 1 52
Individual identity, song repertoire and duet function in the Crimson-breasted Shrike (Laniarius atrococcineus) Irene M. van den Heuvel, Michael I. Cherry & Georg M. Klump 2013 1 1-15
The function of song forms in the Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca I. Klit 1999 1 31-45
On the song of Sylvia curruca, Sylvia nana and Sylvia communis in Mongolia [abstract] Dieter Wallschlager 1994 1 80
Nestling call variation during early development in altricial colonial passerine [abstract] Marques, P A M, & Araújo, C B 2012 1 76
The organization of song when considering the population’s entire repertoire [abstract] Garamszegi, L. Z., Zsebok, S., Török, J. 2012 1 34-35
Neighbours’ talk: interspecific choruses among songbirds Rachele Malavasi, Almo Farina 2013 1 33-48
Call-independent individual identification in birds E. J.S. Fox, J. D. Roberts & M. Bennamoun 2008 1 51-67
The function of song in Lesser Whitethroats Sylvia communis T.J.S Balsby 2000 1 17-30
Unusual song and responses in a chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Vallet, E.M. & Kreutzer, M.L. 1992 1 37-42
Effects of Different Methods of Tutoring in Song Learning Experiments [abstract] J. Böhner 1992 1 60
A comparative study of bird song complexity measures [abstract] Tanttu, J T, Turunen, J & Sirkiä, P 2012 1 82-83
Distance dependent use of vocal features in nightingales [abstract] Sprau, P ; Roth, T ; Schmidt, R, Amrhein, V & Naguib, M. 2012 1 56-57
Do social factors explain seasonal variation in dawn song characteristics of paired male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea)? Garrett J. MacDonald & Kamal Islam 2021 1 1-16
A field test of Syrinx sound analysis software in interactive playback D.J. Mennill & L.M. Ratcliffe 2000 1 77-86
Bioacoustical investigations in the Dipper [abstract] H. Heuwinkel 1992 1 61
Bird monogamy: behavioural and vocal evidences of a pressure towards social association more than reproduction [abstract] Elie, J E, Soula, H A, Mathevon, N & Vignal, C 2012 1 31
Dawn song characteristics in the Pied bush chat (Saxicola caprata) in relation to different breeding stages [abstract] Sethi, V. K.; Bhatt, D. & Kumar, A. 2012 1 55


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