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passerine birds - index of articles

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Title Authors Year Issuesort descending Pages
Nestling call variation during early development in altricial colonial passerine [abstract] Marques, P A M, & Araújo, C B 2012 1 76
The organization of song when considering the population’s entire repertoire [abstract] Garamszegi, L. Z., Zsebok, S., Török, J. 2012 1 34-35
Neighbours’ talk: interspecific choruses among songbirds Rachele Malavasi, Almo Farina 2013 1 33-48
A field test of Syrinx sound analysis software in interactive playback D.J. Mennill & L.M. Ratcliffe 2000 1 77-86
Bioacoustical investigations in the Dipper [abstract] H. Heuwinkel 1992 1 61
A comparative study of bird song complexity measures [abstract] Tanttu, J T, Turunen, J & Sirkiä, P 2012 1 82-83
Distance dependent use of vocal features in nightingales [abstract] Sprau, P ; Roth, T ; Schmidt, R, Amrhein, V & Naguib, M. 2012 1 56-57
Do social factors explain seasonal variation in dawn song characteristics of paired male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea)? Garrett J. MacDonald & Kamal Islam 2021 1 1-16
Incomplete song strophes in the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs L.: general influences on a specific behavioural output Heymann, J. & Bergmann, H.-H. 1988 1 25-30
Acquisition of Serial Signal patterns in Birds: Temporal Cues are Mediators for Song Organization [abstract] Henrike Hultsch and Dietmar Todt 1992 1 61-62
Bird monogamy: behavioural and vocal evidences of a pressure towards social association more than reproduction [abstract] Elie, J E, Soula, H A, Mathevon, N & Vignal, C 2012 1 31
Dawn song characteristics in the Pied bush chat (Saxicola caprata) in relation to different breeding stages [abstract] Sethi, V. K.; Bhatt, D. & Kumar, A. 2012 1 55
Frequency and synchronization features of a highly overlapped duet changes according to the context Carolina Méndez & Luis Sandoval 2021 1 17-29
Potential ranging cues contained within the energetic pauses of transmitted wren song Holland, J., Dabelsteen, T., Pedersen, S.B. & López Paris, A 2001 1 3-20
Audio review: Voices of all the mockingbirds, thrashers J. Vielliard 1989 1 82
Song Dialects in the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella: Current Situation of Research in Central Europe, and Heart Rate Response to Song Playback Measured by Means of Radiotelemetry [abstract] H.-W. Helb 1992 1 63
Vocal communication at nest between mates in wild zebra finches: a private vocal duet? [abstract] Vignal, C, Elie, J E, Mariette, M, Griffith, S & Mathevon, N 2012 1 59
Multiple sexually selected traits in the Serin. Are coloration and song signalling the same features? [abstract] Costa, M. & Mota, P. G. 2012 1 69
Song repertoires and repertoire sharing in a local group of blackbirds Rasmussen, R. & Dabelsteen, T. 2002 1 63-76
Diurnal variation in transmission caused degradation of blackcap Sylvia atricapilla song: implications for communication network activities [abstract] T. Dabelsteen and N. Mathevon 2002 1 87
Acoustic Competition? [abstract] J.-C. Brémond 1992 1 63-64
Isolation-induced call modification in zebra finches: an effect of stress of social separation? [abstract] Perez, E C, Elie, J E, Soulage, C, Soula, H, Mathevon, N & Vignal C 2012 1 79
Individual recognition and recognition errors in parent/offspring communication [abstract] Jacot, A; Reers, H. & Forstmeier, W. 2012 1 38
Acoustic profiling in a complexly social species, the American crow: caws encode information on caller sex, identity and behavioural context Exu Anton Mates, Robin R. Tarter, James C. Ha, Anne B. Clark & Kevin J. McGowan 2015 1 63-80
Parameters used for recognition of distress calls in two species: Larus argentatus and Sturnus vulgaris Aubin, T. & Brémond, J.C. 1989 1 22-33
Constrained permutation in "chick-a-dee"- like calls of a black-lored tit Parus xanthogenys J.P. Hailman 1994 1 33-50
CD Review: Southern African Bird Sounds by G. Gibbon P.G. Ryan 1996 1 73
Modelling interspecific differences in chickadee notes with a multiplicative AM model [abstract] Arch McCallum 2002 1 88-89
Dialect Borders in Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Rain Calls [abstract] N. Knab and H.-H. Bergmann 1992 1 64
Group signature in a songbird with a complex song: importance of syntax [abstract] Briefer, E, Rybak, F & Aubin, T 2012 1 68
A comparative study between the call characteristics of the Indian jungle crow and the house crow at some urban habitat sites in Bangalore, India [abstract] Kumar, K. & Sukumar, R. 2012 1 41
The communicative significance of tonality in birdsong: responses to songs produced in helium Nowicki, S., Mitani, J.C., Nelson, D.A. & Marler, P. 1989 1 35-46
Morphological and song variation patterns in the Hippolais warblers' hybrid zone [abstract] J. Secondi, B. Faivre and C. Ferry 2002 1 89-90
Vocalizations and the Discovery of a Cryptic Species in the Timaliid Genus Pnoepyga in Nepal [abstract] Jochen Martens 1992 1 65
Effects of personality on vocal responses to alternating and overlapping playback in great tits [abstract] M. Amy, P. Sprau, P. Goede & M. Naguib 2012 1 25-26
Early testosterone treatment affects production of song learning in male zebra finches [abstract] Leitão, A. & Gahr, M. 2012 1 43-44
Do males perceive differences in song repertoire size in whitethroats Sylvia communis? [abstract] Thorsten J. S. Balsby and Torben Dabelsteen 2002 1 93-94
Bird Song Variability [abstract] Dieter Wallschläger 1992 1 68
Neighbour-stranger recognition in the oriental magpie robin, Copsychus saularis [abstract] Bhatt, D; Sethi, V K & Kumar, A 2012 1 28
Buzz songs as a category in communication in nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) [abstract] Weiss, M; Kiefer, S & Kipper, S 2012 1 60-61
Cassette review: Voices of the Woodcreepers: Dendrocolaptidae Vielliard, J. 1992 2 159-160
The whistled song of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris and the spotless starling Sturnus unicolor in North-east Spain A. Motis 1996 2 119-141
Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) nesting close to energy infrastructure alarm call at a lower frequency Bridget Antze & Nicola Koper 2020 2 168-181
The signal value of vocalizations revealing auditory threat assessment in meadow pipit males (Anthus pratensis) Thorsten S. Elfström 2022 2 125-131
Absolute and relative pitch production in the song of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) Hurly, T.A., Weisman, R.G., Ratcliffe, L. & Johnsrude, I.S. 1991 2 81-91
Acoustic signals and repertoire complexity in Swallow-tailed Manakins Chiroxiphia caudata (Aves: Pipridae) Laura M. Schaedler, Pedro H. L. Ribeiro, André C. Guaraldo & Lilian T. Manica 2020 2 182-196
The organisation and year to year changes of Starling song [abstract] Jenkins, P. F. & Adret-Hausberger, M. 1989 2 166
Application of entropy to Rufous-bellied Thrush song [abstract] Maria Luisa da Silva 2002 2 176-177
Huge Memory in a Tiny Brain: Unique Organization in the Advertising Song of Pallas's Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus Vladimir V. Ivanitskii & Irina M. Marova 2012 2 87-105
Syntax of complex bird song in the large-billed reed warbler (Acrocephalus orinus) V. V. Samotskaya, A. S. Opaev, V. V. Ivanitskii, I. M. Marova & P. V. Kvartalnov 2016 2 127-143


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