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passerine birds - index of articles

Displaying 101 - 150 of 199. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issuesort descending Pages
Geographic and morphologic factors affecting begging calls of the Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (Corvidae) [abstract] Paola Laiolo & Antonio Rolando 2002 2 192
Sequential organization in the song of thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia): clustering and sequential order of the song types V. V. Ivanitskii, I. M. Marova & V. A. Antipov 2017 2 199-215
Songs of the Eastern Phoebe, a suboscine songbird, are individually distinctive but do not vary geographically Jennifer R. Foote, Erica Palazzi and Daniel J. Mennill 2013 2 137-151
Iberian azure-winged magpie Cyanopica (cyana) cooki nestlings begging calls: call characterization and hunger signalling Paulo A. M. Marques, Luís Vicente & Rafael Márquez 2008 2 133-149
Ability to alter song in two grassland songbirds exposed to simulated anthropogenic noise is not related to pre-existing variability Claire M. Curry, Bridget Antze, Miyako H. Warrington, Paulson Des Brisay, Patricia Rosa & Nicola Koper 2018 2 105-130
The importance of acoustic background modelling in CNN-based detection of the Neotropical White-lored Spinetail (Aves, Passeriformes, Furnaridae) Thiago M. Ventura, Todor D. Ganchev, Cristian Pérez-Granados, Allan G. de Oliveira, Gabriel de S. G. Pedroso, Marinez I. Marques & Karl-L. Schuchmann 2024 2
Vocalisations of the Másafuera Rayadito Aphrastura masafuerae on Isla Alejandro Selkirk, Chile I. Hahn & H. Mattes 2000 2 149-158
Book and CD review: Warbler Songs and Calls of Britain and Europe L. Moores 2004 2 179-180
Description of the acoustical interaction and synchronization between duetters of the Large-Footed Finch (Pezopetes capitalis) Carla Trejos-Araya & Gilbert Barrantes 2018 2 183-196
House finches learn canary trills Dan C. Mann, David C. Lahti, Laura Waddick & Paul C. Mundinger 2021 2 215-231
Evidence of suboscine song plasticity in response to traffic noise fluctuations and temporary road closures Katherine E. Gentry, Megan F. McKenna & David A. Luther 2018 2 165-181
Characterizing the flight song: repeatable individual variation of Ovenbird song features Nadine Paul, Megan J. Thompson & Jennifer R. Foote 2021 2 232-251
Comparison of autonomous and manual recording methods for discrimination of individually distinctive Ovenbird songs M. Ehnes & J.R. Foote 2015 2 111-121
Song structure of the Golden billed saltator (Saltator aurantiirostris) in the middle Parana river floodplain Evelina J. Leon, Adolfo H. Beltzer, Pamela F. Olguin César F. Reales, Griselda V. Urich, Viviana Alessio, Cecilia G. Cacciabué, Martin A. Quiroga 2015 2 145-152
Age-related changes in song repertoire size and song type sharing in the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra T. M. Vaytina & D. A. Shitikov 2019 2 140-154
Individual and local variations in the song of the snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) on Spitzbergen Y. Espmark 1995 2 117-133
Hearing in the Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala and the Spanish Timbrado Canary Serinus canaria: the influence of natural and artificial selection on auditory abilities and vocal structure B. Lohr, A. Lauer, M. R. Newman & R. J. Dooling 2004 2 83-98
The species-repertoire of whistled songs in the European starling: species-specific characteristics and variability Adret-Hausberger, M 1989 2 137-162
Songs of blue tits Parus caeruleus palmensis from La Palma (Canary Islands) - a test of hypotheses B. Schottler 1995 2 135-152
Audio cassette review: Voices of neotropical wood warblers: Parulidae Vielliard, J. 1995 2 181-183
Cassette review: Voices of the Woodcreepers: Dendrocolaptidae Vielliard, J. 1992 2 159-160
Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) nesting close to energy infrastructure alarm call at a lower frequency Bridget Antze & Nicola Koper 2020 2 168-181
The signal value of vocalizations revealing auditory threat assessment in meadow pipit males (Anthus pratensis) Thorsten S. Elfström 2022 2 125-131
The whistled song of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris and the spotless starling Sturnus unicolor in North-east Spain A. Motis 1996 2 119-141
Acoustic signals and repertoire complexity in Swallow-tailed Manakins Chiroxiphia caudata (Aves: Pipridae) Laura M. Schaedler, Pedro H. L. Ribeiro, André C. Guaraldo & Lilian T. Manica 2020 2 182-196
Absolute and relative pitch production in the song of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) Hurly, T.A., Weisman, R.G., Ratcliffe, L. & Johnsrude, I.S. 1991 2 81-91
Distributed representation of discrete sequential vocalization in the Bengalese Finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) Takuya Koumura & Kazuo Okanoya 2020 3 356-373
Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs do not learn song during autumn and early winter Thielcke, G. & Krome, M. 1991 3 207-212
Song characterization in the spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata): a circum-Mediterranean species with a complex song structure Ana María Palmero, Juan Carlos Illera & Paola Laiolo 2012 3 175-191
Estimating repertoire size in a songbird: A comparison of three techniques Alexander J. Harris, David R. Wilson, Brendan A. Graham & Daniel J. Mennill 2016 3 211-224
Social influences on song learning in zebra finches [abstract] P. J. B. Slater 1995 3 217
Repertoire composition and singing behaviour in two eastern populations of hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus) Sean P. Roach, Lynn Johnson and Leslie S. Phillmore 2012 3 239-252
Can Chaffinch songs change from year to year? D. Goodfellow, P. Slater 1990 3 249-251
Signalling in the real world: bird song and communication networks [abstract] P. K. McGregor 1995 3 218
Differences in the calls of European and North American black-billed magpies and the yellow-billed magpie Enggist-Dublin, P. & Birkhead, T.R. 1992 3 185-194
Sensitivity of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum) to Song Syntax Charles E. Taylor, John T. Brumley, Richard W. Hedley & Martin L. Cody 2017 3 259-270
Measuring the sound pressure level of the song of the screaming piha Lipaugus vociferans: one of the loudest birds in the world? E. Nemeth 2004 3 225-228
Acoustic patterns of an invasive species: the Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea Scopoli 1786) in a Mediterranean shrubland Almo Farina, Nadia Pieretti, Niki Morganti 2013 3 175-194
Behavioural response to song playback by male and female white-crowned sparrows of two subspecies Lampe, H.M. & Baker, M.C. 1994 3 171-185
Measuring consistency: spectrogram cross-correlation versus targeted acoustic parameters Emily R.A. Cramer 2013 3 247-257
Song amplitude and population density in two sympatric warblers, Phylloscopus schwarzi and P. fuscatus A. S. Opaev & E. M. Shishkina 2021 3 272-283
Vocal ontogeny of nestling and fledgling black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapilla in natural populations M. C. Baker, M. S. A. Baker & D. E Gammon 2003 3 265-296
Transmission characteristics of solo songs and duets in a neotropical thicket habitat specialist bird Luis Sandoval, Torben Dabelsteen, and Daniel J. Mennill 2015 3 289-306
Song structure and singing behaviour of Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus acredula in populations of low and high density M. I. Goretskaia 2004 3 183-195
Vocal behaviour and call development in the bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) Wilkinson, R. 1990 3 179-197
Being inside nest boxes: does it complicate the receiving conditions for Great Tit Parus major females? S. H. Blumenrath, T. Dabelsteen & S. B. Pedersen 2004 3 209-223
Relative effects of ambient noise and habitat openness on signal transfer for chickadee vocalizations in rural and urban green-spaces Stefanie E. LaZerte, Ken A. Otter & Hans Slabbekoorn 2015 3 233-252
Automatic feature extraction and classification of crossbill (Loxia spp.) flight calls J. T. Tanttu, J. Turunen, A. Selin & M. Ojanen 2006 3 251-269
Microdialect and group signature in the song of the skylark Alauda arvensis Elodie Briefer, Fanny Rybak and Thierry Aubin 2011 3 219-234
Development of Vocalisations in Nestling and Fledgling House Wrens in Natural Populations M. H. Sawhney, M. C. Baker & B. R. Bisbee 2006 3 271-287


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