Volume 31 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Intraspecific variation in short beaked common dolphin’s whistle repertoire Bruna Pagliani, Thiago O. S. Amorim, Franciele R. De Castro & Artur Andriolo 2022 1 1-16
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) social call production reflects both motivational state and arousal Dana A. Cusano, Katherine L. Indeck, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop 2022 1 17-40
Higher-pitched song towards the coast supports a role for selection in ocean noise avoidance Matteo Sebastianelli, Daniel T. Blumstein & Alexander N. G. Kirschel 2022 1 41-58
Acoustic ranging in meadow katydids: female preference for attenuated calls Nathan C. E. Harness & Tamara Campbell 2022 1 59-68
Characterization and classification method of burst pulses produced by Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) Mariana Barbosa, Lis Bittencourt, Tatiana Lemos Bisi, José Lailson-Brito & Alexandre F. Azevedo 2022 1 69-80
Advertisement calls of Limnonectes macrognathus (Anura: Dicroglossidae) and Leptobrachium smithi (Anura: Megophryidae), native frog species from Langkawi, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia Dasi Ong & Shahriza Shahrudin 2022 1 81-91
Use of simple graded signals in the long-distance vocal communication of a forest thrush (Catharus fuscescens) Christopher M. Heckscher 2022 1 91-123
The signal value of vocalizations revealing auditory threat assessment in meadow pipit males (Anthus pratensis) Thorsten S. Elfström 2022 2 125-131
Camel whistling vocalisations: male and female call structure and context in Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius Ilya A. Volodin, Elena V. Volodina & Marina V. Rutovskaya 2022 2 132-147
Stridulatory sound production and acoustic signals of the longhorn beetle Batocera lineolata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Changqing Luo & Shihui Huang 2022 2 148-159
Reinforced acoustic divergence in two syntopic neotropical treefrogs Maria Carolina Rodella Manzano, Daniel Garcia Chagas, Julia Montenegro de Sena Ferreira, Ricardo J. Sawaya & Diego Llusia 2022 2 160-174
Complex acoustic signals in Crossodactylodes (Leptodactylidae, Paratelmatobiinae): a frog genus historically regarded as voiceless Marcus Thadeu T. Santos, Izabela M. Barata, Rodrigo B. Ferreira, Célio F. B. Haddad, Marcos Gridi-Papp & Thiago R. de Carvalho 2022 2 175-190
Song theme sharing in the Grey-crowned Warbler, Phylloscopus tephrocephalus A. S. Opaev & Y. A. Kolesnikova 2022 2 191-207
Using autonomous recording units and change-point analysis to determine reproductive activity in an aerial insectivore Delaney R. Brooks & Joseph J. Nocera 2022 2 208-218
Diverse patterns of responsiveness to fine temporal features of acoustic signals in a temperate austral forest frog, Batrachyla leptopus (Batrachylidae) Mario Penna, Rigoberto Solís & Felipe N. Moreno-Gómez 2022 2 219-239
Sympatric bush cricket species co-exist across a complex landscape by optimising both acoustic and ecological space Aileen van der Mescht, James S Pryke, René Gaigher & Michael J Samways 2022 3 241-260
Slope does not affect autonomous recorder detection shape: considerations for acoustic monitoring in forested landscapes Taylor Shaw, Sandra Müller & Michael Scherer-Lorenzen 2022 3 261-282
Vocal repertoire of the Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) in the central Apennines: a baseline assessment Federico Romani, Elena Ramella Levis, Mario Posillico, Giancarlo Opramolla & Gianni Pavan 2022 3 283-312
Propagation of the Guiana dolphin sounds in their habitat: measured transmission loss and influence of environmental factors Lucimary S. Deconto, Thiago C. Freitas, André C. Guaraldo, Dalila T. Leão, Flávio J. L. Silva & Emygdio L. A. Monteiro-Filho 2022 3 313-331
A new putative species in the Ectatomma ruidum complex (Formicidae: Ectatomminae) produces a species-specific distress call Kenzy I. Peña Carrillo, María Cristina Lorenzi, Maxence Brault, Paul Devienne, Jean-Paul Lachaud, Gianni Pavan & Chantal Poteaux 2022 3 332-347
BioAcoustic Index Tool: Long-term biodiversity monitoring using on-sensor acoustic index calculations David Kadish & Kasper Stoy 2022 3 348-378
Vocal signals of ontogeny and fledging in nestling black-cockatoos: Implications for monitoring Daniella Teixeira, Richard Hill, Michael Barth, Martine Maron & Berndt J. van Rensburg 2022 4 379-396
Software performance for the automated identification of bird vocalisations: the case of two closely related species Jean Marchal, François Fabianek & Yves Aubry 2022 4 397-413
Ultrasound from underground: cryptic communication in subterranean wild-living and captive northern mole voles (Ellobius talpinus Ilya A. Volodin, Margarita M. Dymskaya, Antonina V. Smorkatcheva & Elena V. Volodina 2022 4 414-434
Courtship and underwater communication in the Sunda gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) A. Staniewicz, S. Foggett, G. McCabe & M. Holderied 2022 4 435-449
Where, when, and why do western North Atlantic humpback whales begin to sing? Katie Kowarski, Salvatore Cerchio, Hal Whitehead & Hilary Moors-Murphy 2022 4 450-469
Highly diversified circadian rhythms in the calling activity of eneopterine crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae) from Southeast Asia Ming Kai Tan & Tony Robillard 2022 4 470-489
Amplification of frog calls by reflective leaf substrates: implications for terrestrial and arboreal species Matías I. Muñoz & Wouter Halfwerk 2022 4 490-503
Development and test of a bat calls detection and classification method based on convolutional neural networks Y. Paumen, M. Mälzer, S. Alipek, J. Moll, B. Lüdtke & H. Schauer-Weisshahn 2022 5 505-516
I beg your pardon? Acoustic behaviour of a wild solitary common dolphin who interacts with harbour porpoises Mel Cosentino, David Nairn, Mariano Coscarella, Joseph C. Jackson & James F. C. Windmill 2022 5 517-534
Adaptation of dolphins’ (Tursiops truncatus) location signals when searching for and identifying objects hidden by sea sediments K. A. Zaitseva, V. I. Korolev, A. V. Akhi & A. A. Akhi 2022 5 535-544
Acoustic identification of the sympatric species Indo-Pacific finless porpoise and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: An example from Langkawi, Malaysia Satoko S. Kimura, Tomoka Sagara, Ken Yoda & Louisa S. Ponnampalam 2022 5 545-561
Assessing spontaneous howling rates in captive wolves using automatic passive recorders Vicente Palacios, Shannon M. Barber-Meyer, Bárbara Martí-Domken & Lori J. Schmidt 2022 5 562-574
Tradition vs. innovation: comparing bioacoustics and mist-net results to bat sampling Matheus Camargo Silva Mancini, Frederico Hintze, Rafael de Souza Laurindo, Rodrigo de Macêdo Mello & Renato Gregorin 2022 5 575-593
Nestling European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) adjust their begging calls in noise Maheshi E. Dharmasiri, Colleen A. Barber & Andrew G. Horn 2022 5 594-613
The relationship between the Acoustic Complexity Index and avian species richness and diversity: a review Jade Bateman & Antonio Uzal 2022 5 614-627
Using referential alarm signals to remotely quantify ‘landscapes of fear’ in fragmented woodland Paul G. McDonald, Samantha J. Doohan & Kyia J. Eveleigh 2022 6 629-645
Sounding out a continent: Seven decades of bioacoustics research in Africa Frowin K. Becker, Fannie W. Shabangu, Tess Gridley, Heiko U. Wittmer & Stephen Marsland 2022 6 646-667
Are dolphins modulating whistles in interspecific group contexts? Yasmin Viana, Thiago Orion Simões Amorim, Franciele Rezende de Castro, Leonardo Wedekin, Alexandre Douglas Paro, Michel Helcias Montoril, Marcos Rossi-Santos & Artur Andriolo 2022 6 668-679
Ingressive phonation conveys arousal in human nonverbal vocalizations Andrey Anikin & David Reby 2022 6 680-695
Environmental factors influencing call propagation in Pithecopus nordestinus: testing the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis Lidiane Gomes, David Lucas Röhr, Renata S. Sousa-Lima, Adrian Antonio Garda & Flora Acuña Juncá 2022 6 696-709
Hidden Markov model for detection of mysticetes' vocalisations based on principal component analysis Olayinka O. Ogundile, Oluwaseyi P. Babalola, Seun G. Odeyemi & Kazeem I. Rufai 2022 6 710-738
Book review: Bat Calls of Britain and Europe Martin K. Obrist 2022 6 739-740
Book review: The Handbook of acoustic bat detection Krista Patriquin 2022 6 740-742