fish - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 187. Click a column heading to sort.
Titlesort descending Authors Year Issue Pages
A behavioral study of the response of the gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum to high-frequency sounds [abstract] Amy Renee Scholik , Mardi C. Hastings and David Johnson 1998 2 163
A match between sound production, hearing and environmental transmission in two freshwater gobies [abstract] M. Lugli, H. Y. Yan and M. L. Fine 2002 1 86-87
A New Method to Investigate the Downstream Migration of Fishes Within a Hydropower Plant Area in a Middle European River - A Possibility to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Behaviour Barriers Wolfgang Schmalz, Maria Siegesmund, Konrad Thuermer, Joerg Kranawettreiser and Hans-Peter Hack 2002 2-3 308-310
A Proposed Method to Assess Physical Injury to Fishes from Underwater Sound Produced During Pile Driving David P. Woodbury and John H. Stadler 2008 1-3 289-291
A Recollection of Early Electrophysiological Studies of Goldfish Hearing Taro Furukawa 2002 2-3 109-111
A Remote-Controlled Instrument Platform for Fish Behaviour Studies and Sound Monitoring Ingvald Svellingen, Bjørn Totland and Jan Tore Øvredal 2002 2-3 335-336
Acoustic activity of Russian sturgeon [abstract] L. K. Tolstoganova 2002 1 79-80
Acoustic and temporal features of sounds of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenldae) in the Miramare Marine Reserve (Gulf of Trieste, Italy) [abstract] Clizia Bonacito, Marco Costantini, Licia Casaretto, Anthony D. Hawkins, Maurizio Spoto and Enrico A. Ferrero 2002 2 187-188
Acoustic Communication and Auditory Neural Computation in Sound-Producing Fish John D. Crawford 2002 2-3 170-172
Acoustic communication in a small benthic fish, Etheostoma crossopterum [abstract] Speares, P & Johnston, C E 2012 1 81
Acoustic Communication in Fishes. David A. Mann and James V. Locascio 2008 1-3 43-45
Acoustic communication in triglid fish [abstract] M C. de Amorim & A. D. Hawkins 1995 3 220
Acoustic Dose-Response Effects in Marine Fish Ronald A. Kastelein, Sander van der Heul, Willem Verboom, Dick de Haan and Peter Reijnders 2008 1-3 201-202
Acoustic Excitation of the Fish Swimbladder David T. I. Francis and Kenneth G. Foote 2002 2-3 265-267
Acoustic Scattering by Swimbladdered Fish: A Review Kenneth G. Foote and David T. I. Francis 2002 2-3 263-265
Acoustic signalling in female fish: factors influencing sound characteristics in croaking gouramis Friedrich Ladich & Isabelle Pia Maiditsch 2018 4 377-390
Acoustic Signals and Aggressive Conflicts in the Skunk Loach Botia morleti: Integrating Sensory and Behavioural Approaches Timothy C. Sparkes, Callie Prater, Tomonari Akamatsu and Hong Y. Yan 2002 2-3 257-259
Acoustical Neural Telemetry from Free-Swimming Fish Allen F. Mensinger and Max Deffenbaugh 2002 2-3 333-334
Acoustics of fish shelters [abstract] Lugli, M. 2012 1 74-75
Adaptive Auditory Plasticity for Social Communication in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish (Porichthys notatus) Joseph Sisneros 2012 1 21-23
Agonistic context and acoustic communication in a cichlid: fine sound analysis and first playback experiments [abstract] Bertuccci, F; Beauchaud, M; Attia, J & Mathevon, N 2012 1 67
Ambient Sound as a Navigational Cue for Larval Reef Fish Nicholas Tolimieri, Olivia Raine, John C. Montgomery and Andrew Jeffs 2002 2-3 214-217
An Experiment on How Seismic Shooting Affects Caged Fish Bjarti Thomsen 2008 1-3 219-221
An Overview of the Applied Use of Sound in Fisheries and Fish Biology Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 303-305
Analysis of sounds produced by male Padogobius martensi (Pisces, Gobiidae) and factors affecting their structural properties. Torricelli, P., Lugli, M. & Pavan, G. 1990 4 261-275
Anatomically Detailed Acoustic Scattering Models of Fish Gavin J. Macaulay 2002 2-3 275-277
Are Seismic Surveys an Important Risk Factor for Fish and Shellfish? Jerry F. Payne, Catherine D. Andrews, Linda L. Fancey, Jacqueline Guiney, Andrew Cook and John R. Christian 2008 1-3 262-265
Assessment of man-made underwater noise impact on a population of gobids in a marine protected area [abstract] M. Costantini and M. Spoto 2002 1 95
Automated Cataloguing of American silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura) calls using machine learning DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl 2023 4 453-473
Behavioural, Physiological and Pathological Response of Fishes to Air Gun Noise Robert D. McCauley, Jane Fewtrell, Alec J. Duncan and Anita Adhitya 2002 2-3 318-321
Bioacoustic Absorption Spectroscopy: Estimation of the Biomass of Fish with Swimbladders Orest Diachok 2002 2-3 271-274
Bioenergetics of Calling in Oyster Toadfish Opsanus tau M. Clara P. Amorim, Marti L. McCracken and Michael L. Fine 2002 2-3 223-225
Biomechanics of hearing in fish: from the Sonic to the Ultrasonic Mardi C. Hastings 2002 2-3 128-131
Calcium Influences the Mechanical Properties of Hair Cell Bundles J. Esther C. Wiersinga-Post and Sietse M. van Netten 2002 2-3 156-158
Calls of the Atlantic Cod: Does Captivity Restrict Their Vocal Repertoire? Kjell Midling, Aud Vold Soldal, Jan Erik Fosseidengen and Jan Tore Øvredal 2002 2-3 233-235
Can Longspine Squirrelfish Hear Bottlenose Dolphin? Joseph J. Luczkovich & Mark A. Keusenkothen 2008 1-3 75-77
Characterisation of grunt sound pressure level from spawning Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Guosong Zhang, Tonje Nesse Forland, Karen de Jong & Lise Doksæter Sivle 2024 5 460-477
Characterization of Hippocampus kuda (Bleeker, 1852) - yellow seahorse feeding click sound signal in a laboratory environment: An application of probability density function and power spectral density analyses Bishwajit Chakraborty, A. K. Saran, D. Sinai Kuncolienker, R. A. Sreepada, K. Haris and William Fernandes 2014 1 1-14
Characterization of Small-Boat Noises Compared with the Chorus of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) Marta Picciulin, Antonio Codarin and Maurizio Spoto 2008 1-3 210-212
Comparative analysis of swimbladder (drumming) and pectoral (stridulation) sounds in three families of catfish F. Ladich 1997 3-4 185-208
Comparison of Auditory Sensitivity of Pelagic Fish with the Sound Generated by a Fish Aggregation Device Ricardo Babaran, Kazuhiko Anraku, Munechika Ishizaki, Kenji Watanabe and Tatsuro Matsuoka 2008 1-3 55-57
Correlation between acoustic activity and the environment and the fish disordered state in beluga Huso huso Juveniles [abstract] L. K. Tolstoganova 2002 1 98
Correlation between vocalization and auditory sensitivity in labyrinth fishes [abstract] Friedrich Ladich and Hong Y. Yan 1998 2 151
Correlation of Sound Production with Hearing Sensitivity in the Lake Malawi Cichlid Tramitichromis intermedius Jennifer L. Ripley, Phillip S. Lobel and Hong Y. Yan 2002 2-3 238-240
Courtship sounds of the haddock [abstract] A. D. Hawkins and M. C. P. Amorim 2002 1 92
Delimiting spawning areas of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (family Sciaenidae), in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina using passive hydroacoustic surveys J.J. Luczkovich, M.W. Sprague, S.E. Johnson & R.C. Pullinger 1999 2-3 143-160
Detection of Sound by Fish: a Minireview Olav Sand 2008 1-3 92-95
Determination of the Effects of Seismic Exploration on Fish (Project SEIFISH) Arthur N. Popper, Luc A. Comeau and Steven Campana 2008 1-3 212-214
Development of the Fish Auditory System: How Do Changes in Auditory Structure Affect Function? Dennis M. Higgs 2002 2-3 180-183
Diagnostic of nocturnal calls of Sciaena umbra (L., fam. Sciaenidae) in a nearshore Mediterranean Marine Reserve Marta Picciulin, Giuliana Calcagno, Linda Sebastianutto, Clizia Bonacito, Antonio Codarin, Marco Costantini, Enrico A. Ferrero 2013 2 109-120
