Threat Vocalisations are acoustically similar between humans (Homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) |
Roza G. Kamiloglu, Cantay Çaliskan, Katie E. Slocombe & Disa A. Sauter |
2023 |
6 |
679-692 |
A Tasmanian devil call encodes identity and decreases agonistic behaviour |
Kelly Davis & Jennifer A. Clarke |
2020 |
6 |
638-653 |
Women misjudge men's physical characteristics based on vocal cues |
Lukasz Piotr Pawelec, Katarzyna Graja, Anna Lipowicz & Jagoda Marchewczyk |
2023 |
5 |
556-579 |
Play vocalizations and human laughter: A comparative review |
Sasha L. Winkler & Gregory A. Bryant |
2021 |
5 |
499-526 |
High-frequency hearing sensitivity does not systematically imply aversion to ultrasounds in large terrestrial mammals |
Anna Terrade, Loïc Prosnier, Colin Vion, Yann Locatelli, Nicolas Mathevon & David Reby |
2024 |
5 |
448-459 |
Ultrasound use by Sunda colugos offers new insights into the communication of these cryptic mammals |
Priscillia Miard, Lee Sim Lim, Nur Izzati Abdullah, Nurul Ain Elias & Nadine Ruppert |
2019 |
5 |
397-403 |
Bioacoustic classification of a small dataset of mammalian vocalisations using deep learning |
Rodrigo Manriquez P, Sonja A. Kotz, Andrea Ravignani & Bart de Boer |
2024 |
4 |
354-371 |
Assessing Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on the Behaviour of Marine Mammals |
Douglas P. Nowacek and Peter L. Tyack |
2008 |
1-3 |
338-341 |
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2006 and earlier). Part 2: Mammals - Techniques |
Hansen, P. |
2007 |
3 |
329-365 |
Bioacoustic publications, 1988 part II: Birds-Mammals |
Hansen, P. |
1990 |
4 |
327-343 |
Laughter in response to tickling: a comparative approach [abstract] |
J. Skirl & D. Todt |
1996 |
4 |
321-322 |
Cooperative bioacoustic research in the Mediterranean Sea with the Italian Navy [abstract] |
G. Pavan, D. Nascetti, M. Manghim, M. Priano, C. Fossati & J. F. Borsani |
1996 |
4 |
318-319 |
Underwater Ears and the Physiology of Impacts: Comparative Liability for Hearing Loss in Sea Turtles, Birds, and Mammals |
Darlene R. Ketten |
2008 |
1-3 |
312-315 |
Communication by falsetto [abstract] |
G. Tembrock |
1996 |
4 |
309 |
The study of mammalian sound communication - taking stock [abstract] |
G. Peters |
1996 |
4 |
304-305 |
Ecological bioacoustics of mammals [abstract] |
A. Nikol'skii |
1996 |
4 |
302-303 |
Recent Bioacoustical Publications, 1999 and earlier. Part II: mammals-general |
P. Hansen |
2001 |
4 |
297-334 |
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1991 part III: Mammals, etc. |
Hansen, P. |
1993 |
4 |
293-303 |
Modelling Alternative Sonar Waveforms to Determine Risk Factors for Marine Mammals |
Martin Siderius, Michael Porter and David Mountain |
2008 |
1-3 |
268-270 |
Book review: Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals |
Fristrup, K. |
2004 |
3 |
267-271 |
The German Sound Propagation Model MOCASSIN: Integration of a Marine Mammal Database for Improving Protection Measures |
Stefan Ludwig, Ivor Nissen and Michaela Knoll |
2008 |
1-3 |
253-255 |
Age group estimation in free-ranging African elephants based on acoustic cues of low-frequency rumbles |
Angela S. Stoeger, Matthias Zeppelzauer, Anton Baotic |
2014 |
3 |
231-246 |
Development of a simplified ray path model for estimating the range and depth of vocalising marine mammals [abstract] |
P.A. Lepper, K. Kaschner, P.R. Connelly and A.D. Goodson |
1998 |
3 |
231-232 |
Sex differences in frequencies in a species with modest sexual size dimorphism |
Gal Frydman, Yael Goll, Eli Geffen & Lee Koren |
2023 |
2 |
230-240 |
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2002 and earlier). Part 2: Mammals - General |
P. Hansen |
2004 |
3 |
229-265 |
Infant African Elephant Rumble Vocalizations Vary According to Social Interactions with Adult Females |
Christina M. Wesolek, Joseph Soltis, Katherine A. Leighty and Anne Savage |
2009 |
3 |
227-239 |
Recent bioacoustic publications (2008 and earlier). Part 3: Mammals-General |
P. Hansen |
2010 |
3 |
225-264 |
Statistical characterisation and classification of marine mammal sounds by multiple-resolution encoding of training data distributions [abstract] |
Thomas J. Hayward |
1998 |
3 |
223-224 |
New technologies for marine mammal acoustic data capture [abstract] |
E. J. Harland |
1998 |
3 |
221 |
Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract] |
M. André, C. Kamminga and D. Ketten |
1998 |
3 |
220 |
Marine mammals and man-made noise: current issues [abstract] |
W. John Richardson |
1998 |
3 |
216-217 |
Antiphonal vocal bouts associated with departures in free-ranging African elephant family groups (Loxodonta africana) |
C. E. O'Connell-Rodwell, J. D. Wood, M. Wyman, S. Redfield, S. Puria, L. A. Hart |
2012 |
3 |
215-224 |
Quantifying acoustic and temporal characteristics of vocalisations for a group of captive African elephants Loxodonta africana |
K. M. Leong, A. Ortolani, K. D. Burks, J. D. Mellen & A. Savage |
2003 |
3 |
213-231 |
Bioacoustic publications, 1989 part III: Mammals, Technical, etc |
Hansen, P. |
1991 |
3 |
213-221 |
Sound production and hearing in marine animals [abstract] |
Mats Amundin |
1998 |
3 |
213-214 |
Entropy rate as a measure of animal vocal complexity |
Arik Kershenbaum |
2014 |
3 |
195-208 |
Individual differences in the human infant cry in a comparative perspective [abstract] |
Francesca Rocca, Daniela Lenti Boero & Carlo Lenti |
2002 |
2 |
195 |
Voiced and voiceless human infant cries in an evolutionary perspective [abstract] |
Daniela Lenti Boero, Carlo Lenti and Francesca Rocca |
2002 |
2 |
182 |
Effect of Environmental Noise on the Florida Manatee Trichechus manatus latirostris |
Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds |
2008 |
1-3 |
176-178 |
Advances in acoustic censusing of marine mammals [abstract] |
Jeff Norris and W.E. Evans |
1998 |
2 |
158 |
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1995 and earlier. Part II Non-primate Mammals to General |
Hansen, P. |
1996 |
2 |
151-161 |
Classification of African elephant Loxodonta africana rumbles using acoustic parameters and cluster analysis |
J. D. Wood, B. McCowan, W. R. Langbauer Jr., J. J.Viljoen & L. A. Hart |
2005 |
2 |
143-161 |
Cough neural recognition system [abstract] |
D. Moshou, A. Chedad, A. Van Hktum, J-M. Aerts, D. Berckmans and H. Ramon |
2002 |
1 |
98-99 |
Individual distinct vocalisations in Amazonian manatees Trichechus inunguis [abstract] |
R. S. Sousa Lima, A. P. Paglia and G. A. B. Fonseca |
2002 |
1 |
90-91 |
Bats, humans and neural networks discriminate amplitude-modulated FM echoes [abstract] |
L. A. Miller and D. A. Helweg |
2002 |
1 |
86 |
On-line cough recogniser system [abstract] |
A. Van Hirtum, A. Chedad, J.-M Aerts, D. Berckmans, P. Gustin and B. Moreaux . |
2002 |
1 |
78 |
Recent Bioacoustical Publications (1997 and earlier). Part II: Mammals-General |
Hansen, P. |
1999 |
1 |
73-95 |
Conceptual Issues in Assessing Phylogenetic Relationships in Mammals on the Basis of their Vocalizations [abstract] |
Gustav Peters |
1992 |
1 |
66 |
Automatic acoustic identification of shrew species in the field – new potential monitoring techniques [abstract] |
Zsebok, S; Czabán, D; Farkas, J |
2012 |
1 |
62-63 |
Recent bioacoustic publications, 1996 and earlier. Part II Mammals etc. |
Hansen, P. |
1998 |
1 |
49-67 |