Avisoft-Sonagraph Pro - sonagraphic analysis under Windows [abstract]

R. Specht (1996). Avisoft-Sonagraph Pro - sonagraphic analysis under Windows [abstract]. Bioacoustics, Volume 6 (4): 308

This software is a user friendly tool for the analysis of animal sounds. It does not need any special hardware like signal acquisition or DSP boards. Any PC 386, 486 or Pentium fitted with a standard soundcard can be used. Thanks to the optimized FFT algorithms used in the software and the high performance of today's computers, a fast Real Time Sonagram display simplifies the observation of extensive recordings. A wide variety of editing functions support removal of noise (Digital Filters) and re-arranging (Cut, Paste, . . .) of songs. The advantages of Windows allow comfortable data handling. Sonagrams, waveforms, envelope curves, power spectra and measurement values can be easily transferred to other Windows applications. The quality of the sonagram output is limited only by the printer used for hardcopy. Additional analysis facilities complete the comprehensive functionality of the software: Long term spectrum, Auto- and Crosscorrelation, Cepstrum, Histogram, Instantaneous frequency, Sound similarity matrix . . . The ease of use and the online help system accelerate the process of getting into the system.
