Foraging behaviour and echolocation in British bats [abstract]

Jones, G. (1989). Foraging behaviour and echolocation in British bats [abstract] . Bioacoustics, Volume 2 (2): 167

British bat species show a wide range of echolocation behaviour and foraging tactics. Some species, like those of the genus Rhinolophus, use long constant-frequency (CF) components in their calls and hunt among clutter. Myotis daubentoni uses steep frequency-modulated (FM) cries and frequently gaffs prey from the water surface. Nyctalus noctula uses different calls containing both CF and FM segments according to the ecological situation. By using direct observation, multiple-flash stereophotogrammetry and recording of echolocation calls, some of the link: between flight morphology, foraging behaviour and echolocation in British bats have been elucidated.
