Mate choice occurs only in small choruses of painted reed frogs Hyperolius marmoratus

Telford, S.R., Dyson, M.L. & Passmore, N.I. (1989). Mate choice occurs only in small choruses of painted reed frogs Hyperolius marmoratus. Bioacoustics, Volume 2 (1): 47 -53

In two-choice discrimination experiments females of Hyperolius marmoratus preferred the calls of lower frequency of the pair of stimuli. This preference was not shown in mating patterns observed in natural choruses, but is when females are phonotactically orienting in small choruses in an experimental enclosure. With an increase in chorus size, the mating pattern shifts from size-based, non-random (with some evidence of size-assortative) mating to random mating. This is the first time that frequency-based mate-choice by female anurans has been associated with chorus size, and hence with the sonic complexity of the acoustic environment.
