Repertoire and colouration (carotenoid pimentation) in the linnet Carduelis cannabina [abstract]

T. J. S. Balsby (1996). Repertoire and colouration (carotenoid pimentation) in the linnet Carduelis cannabina [abstract]. Bioacoustics, Volume 6 (4): 313

Male linnets Carduelis cannabina show variation in the intensity of the carotenoid pigmentation (red) of the breast and the crown. Each male was scored with regard to size, amount of brown feathers and the intensity of the pigmented areas. The sum of these scores is the male score. The male song was recorded during the fertile period of the female. The size of the song element repertoire is positively correlated with male score, but other measures of song quality do not correlate with male score. Males with high male scores (red) present more different elements during a specified amount of song elements presented than males with lower male scores.
