SYNTANA: a software for the SYNThesis and ANAlysis of animal sounds [abstract]

Thierry Aubin (1994). SYNTANA: a software for the SYNThesis and ANAlysis of animal sounds [abstract]. Bioacoustics, Volume 6 (1): 80 -81

This software, built in our laboratory, covers a wide range of needs typical of bioacoustical studies. It performs file handling and numerous analyses and graphic displays: representation of spectrograms, oscillograms, envelopes, instantaneous spectra, detection of the fundamental (by cepstrum and autocorrelation) and of the instantaneous frequency (zero-crossing and analytic signal methods). Possibilities of synthesis are also numerous: e.g. signals (mono- or polychromatic) with specified FM or AM, signal demodulation (AM and FM using Hilbert transform, and frequency shift of a signal using FFT methods. Also included are band-pass and band-rejection FFT filtration possibilities. Regions of interest can be identified and zoomed. The program includes a statistical module and operations with files. The software works with virtually any PC computer (from 286), any screen (EGA, VGA, SVGA), any mouse and any laserjet or inkjet printer. It can be adapted to all kinds of 16 bit data acquisition cards.
