Recordings of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus were collected via a towed passive hydrophone array. The study area ranged from the 100-2000m isobaths from the Florida-Alabama to the Texas-Mexico borders in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, USA. The study area was divided into 14 north/ south transects at 74km intervals. Seven cruises were conducted on a seasonal basis from 1992-1994. Sperm whale vocalizations were identified based upon their unique spectral characteristics such as frequency range, duration, and temporal pattern. There were a total of 67 on-effort acoustic sperm whale contacts (a - contact is defined as an encounter with a vocal whale or whale group) during 1,055 hrs (11,997 km) of acoustic recording; corresponding to a rate of 0.064 acoustic contacts/hr (0.005 contacts/km). Chi- square analyses were conducted based upon acoustic level of effort. The average bottom depth per contact was 1,244m (sd=414). A Chi-square analysis of depth categories indicated that more sperm whales were observed than expected at a depth range of 711-1,190m (Chi-square=10.24, p=0.017) along the continental slope. Days were divided into six equal time of day (TOD) categories, and a Chi-square analysis of TOD categories indicated no significant difference in the number of sperm whale contacts across TOD (Chi-square=4.47, p=0.45). A Chi-square analysis of Beaufort wind speeds indicated no significant difference in the number of sperm whale contacts across Beaufort wind speed categories (Chi-square=8.01, p=0.91). A Chi- square analysis of seasons indicated no significant difference in the number of sperm whale contacts across seasons (Chi-square=1.91, p=0.59). A Chi- square analysis of ocean surface dynamic height data indicated that more sperm whales were observed than expected at a low dynamic height range of -30 to –10cm (Chi-square=4.81; p=0.00016). There were sperm whale concentrations in the Mississippi River Canyon and Western Gulf which may be associated with the Loop Current and eddy formations, and decay.
Distributions of sperm whales along the northwestern and central continental slope in the Gulf of Mexico as determined from an acoustic survey [abstract]
Distributions of sperm whales along the northwestern and central continental slope in the Gulf of Mexico as determined from an acoustic survey [abstract]. Bioacoustics,
Volume 9