cetaceans - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 171. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Acoustic characteristics and context of buzzes and rasps produced by northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) In press
Click communication in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena Karin Tubbert Clausen, Magnus Wahlberg, Kristian Beedholm, Stacy Deruiter & Peter T. Madsen 2010 1 1-28
Intraspecific variation in short beaked common dolphin’s whistle repertoire Bruna Pagliani, Thiago O. S. Amorim, Franciele R. De Castro & Artur Andriolo 2022 1 1-16
Who are the whales? Sam Ridgway 1997 1-2 3-20
Horizontal angular discrimination by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus B. K. Branstetter, S. J. Mevissena, L. M. Herman, A. A. Pack & S. P. Roberts 2003 1 15-34
Crowd intelligence can discern between repertoires of killer whale ecotypes Anastasya Yu. Danishevskaya, Olga A. Filatova, Filipa I P. Samarra, Patrick J O. Miller, John K B Ford, Harald Yurk, Craig O. Matkin & Erich Hoyt 2020 1 15-27
Description of whistles of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) from the waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia Jordan M. Hoffman, Louisa S. Ponnampalam, Claryana Araújo-Wang, Sui Hyang Kuit, Samuel K. Hung & John Y. Wang 2017 1 15-24
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) social call production reflects both motivational state and arousal Dana A. Cusano, Katherine L. Indeck, Michael J. Noad & Rebecca A. Dunlop 2022 1 17-40
Development and social functions of signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus Peter L. Tyack 1997 1-2 21-46
What’s Occurring? Ultrasonic signature whistle use in Welsh bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Helen M. Hiley, Sarah Perry, Steve Hartley & Stephanie L. King 2017 1 25-35
Differences in the sounds of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Delphinidae) between two areas of southeastern and southern Brazil Lucimary S. Deconto & Emygdio L. A. Monteiro-Filho 2019 1 26-41
Auditory adaptation time course in the Yangtze finless porpoises, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis Vladimir V. Popov, Zhi-Tao Wang, Dmitry I. Nechaev, Ding Wang, Alexander Ya Supin & Ke-Xiong Wang 2021 1 30-40
Vocalisations of Minke Whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata in the St. Lawrence Estuary P.L. Edds-Walton 2000 1 31-50
An automatic system for detecting and classifying the vocalisations of harbour porpoises Gillespie, D. & Chappell, O. 2002 1 37-61
Acoustic Communication in Mysticetes Susan E. Parks and Christopher W. Clark 2008 1-3 45-47
A review of frequency and time parameters of cetacean tonal calls J.N. Mathews, L.E. Rendall, J.C.D. Gordon & D.W. Macdonald 1999 1 47-71
Acoustic communication signals of mysticete whales Peggy L. Edds-Walton 1997 1-2 47-60
Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae Social Sounds in Hawai’i Alison K. Stimpert and Whitlow W. L. Au 2008 1-3 48-50
Changes in Click Source Levels with Distance to Targets: Studies of Free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and Captive Harbor Porpoises Phocoena phocoena Ana Carolina G. Atem, Marianne H. Rasmussen, Magnus Wahlberg, Hans C. Petersen & Lee A. Miller 2009 1-2 49-65
Optimizing models of dolphin auditory sensitivity using evolutionary computation Houser, D.S., Helweg, D.A., Moore, P.W.B. & Chellapilla, K. 2001 1 57-78
Icelandic killer whales Orcinus orca use a pulsed call suitable for manipulating the schooling behaviour of herring Clupea harengus Malene Simon, Fernando Ugarte, Magnus Wahlberg & Lee A. Miller 2006 1 57-74
A Cetacean Sound Library Catalogue of the Mediterranean Sea [abstract] J.F. Borsani, G. Pavan, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara 1992 1 60-61
Sperm whale codas in the Northern Ionian sea (Italy), new elements to understand the Mediterranean population [abstract] Zardin, F, Pavan, G, Ficetola, G F, La Manna, G, Internullo, E & Riccobene, G 2012 1 61
Cetacean auditory psychophysics Patrick W. B. Moore 1997 1-2 61-78
Comparing repertoires of sperm whale codas: a multiple methods approach L. E. Rendell & H. Whitehead 2003 1 61-81
Sound Pathways Revealed: Simulated Sound Transmission and Reception in Cuvier’s Beaked Whale Ziphius cavirostris Using the Vibro-Acoustic Toolkit Ted W. Cranford, Petr Krysl and John A. Hildebrand 2008 1-3 68-70
Characterization and classification method of burst pulses produced by Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) Mariana Barbosa, Lis Bittencourt, Tatiana Lemos Bisi, José Lailson-Brito & Alexandre F. Azevedo 2022 1 69-80
Temporal patterns of North Atlantic right whale vocalizations during the winter and spring in the Northwest Atlantic, USA [abstract] Guerreiro da Silva, A, Vu, E, Risch, D & Van Parijs, S M 2012 1 70
Recent Bioacoustical Publications (1997 and earlier). Part II: Mammals-General Hansen, P. 1999 1 73-95
Call types of Bigg’s killer whales (Orcinus orca) in western Alaska: using vocal dialects to assess population structure Deborah L. Sharpe, Manuel Castellote, Paul R. Wade & Leslie A. Cornick 2019 1 74-99
Can Longspine Squirrelfish Hear Bottlenose Dolphin? Joseph J. Luczkovich & Mark A. Keusenkothen 2008 1-3 75-77
Boing! Acoustic localization, characterisation and comparison of minke whale songs from the Hawaiian islands and other areas in the North Pacific Ocean [abstract] Norris, T, Yack, T, Oswald, J, Martin, S, Thomas, L & Janik, V 2012 1 77
Predicting Cetacean Audiograms David C. Mountain, Aleks Zosuls, Seth Newburg and Darlene R. Ketten 2008 1-3 77-80
A combined neural network-statistics method for automated sperm whale clicks detection [abstract] Sanchéz-García, A, Bueno-Crespo, A & Sancho-Gomez, J L 2012 1 79-80
Electrophysiological measures of auditory processing in odontocetes William Ford Dolphin 1997 1-2 79-101
Recent Directions in Odontocete Cetacean Hearing Paul E. Nachtigall 2008 1-3 82-85
Examinations of Ears in Harbour Porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the North and Baltic Seas Susanne Prahl, Darlene R. Ketten and Ursula Siebert 2008 1-3 85-87
A computational model of humpback whale hearing [abstract] David A. Helweg 2002 1 85
Automatic detection and species identification of blue and fin whale calls [abstract] David A. Helweg 2002 1 96
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2004 and earlier) P. Hansen 2005 1 97-138
Vocalizations of common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in an eastern North Pacific feeding ground Katrina Nikolich & Jared R. Towers 2020 1 97-108
Directional Sensitivity and Sound-Receiving Windows in Dolphins Alexander Y. Supin and Vladimir V. Popov 2008 1-3 98-100
Handling dolphin detections from C-PODs, with the development of acoustic parameters for verification and the exploration of species identification possibilities. James R. Robbins, Anja Brandecker, Michelle Cronin, Mark Jessopp, Rob McAllen & Ross Culloch 2016 2 99-110
First Description of Whistles of Pacific Fraser's Dolphins Lagenodelphis hosei J.N. Oswald, S. Rankin, & J. Barlow 2006 2 99-111
Biomechanical and Structural Modelling of Hearing in Baleen Whales Maya Yamato, Darlene R. Ketten, Julie Arruda and Scott Cramer 2008 1-3 100-102
Monaural hearing of a bottlenosed dolphin [abstract] V. A. Ryabov and G. L. Zaslavsky 2002 1 100
Detection rates of wild harbour porpoises and bottlenose dolphins using static acoustic click loggers vary with depth Marta Sostres Alonso & Hanna K. Nuuttila 2015 2 101-110
Structure and function in whale ears Darlene R. Ketten 1997 1-2 103-135
Characteristics of finback Balaenoptera physalus vocalizations in the St. Lawrence estuary Edds, P.L. 1988 2-3 131-149
Vocalisations of the Sei Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata off the Hawaiian Islands S. Rankin & J. Barlow 2006 2 137-145
