fish - index of articles

Displaying 51 - 100 of 187. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Year Issue Pagessort descending
Differences between male, female and juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) sounds Licia Casaretto, Marta Picciulin & Anthony D. Hawkins 2016 2 111-125
Structure-Function Relationships in the Ears of Fishes Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 115-118
Effects of aquarium and pond noise on hearing sensitivity in an otophysine fish Monika Gutscher, Lidia Eva Wysocki & Friedrich Ladich 2011 2 117-136
Evolution of the Octavolateralis System: A Phylogenetic Assessment Christopher B. Braun and Terry Grande 2002 2-3 118-120
Evolution of the Weberian Apparatus Terry Grande and Christopher B. Braun 2002 2-3 120-122
Unique Ear Structure of Silver Perch Bairdiella chrysoura. John Ramcharitar 2002 2-3 122-124
Sound production in female Trichopsis schalleri (Labyrinth fishes): Comparison to males and evolutionary considerations Friedrich Ladich & Günter Schleinzer 2020 2 123-139
Otoliths and Modelling Ear Function D.V. Lychakov and Y.T Rebane 2002 2-3 125-128
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2002 and earlier). Part 1: Invertebrates - Birds P. Hansen 2004 2 127-170
Biomechanics of hearing in fish: from the Sonic to the Ultrasonic Mardi C. Hastings 2002 2-3 128-131
Intra- and interspecific differences in agonisitic vocalizations in croaking gouramis (Genus: Trichopsis, Anabantoidei, Teleostei) Ladich, F., Bischof, C., Schleinzer, G. & Fuchs, A. 1992 2 131-141
Is the Fish Ear an Auditory Retina? Steady Streaming in the Otolith-Macula Gap Minami Yoda, Peter H. Rogers and Kathryn E. Baxter 2002 2-3 131-134
Variations on a Vertebrate Theme: Central Anatomy of the Auditory System in Fish Catherine A. McCormick 2002 2-3 134-137
Fish choruses off Port Hedland, Western Australia Miles J. G. Parsons, Chandra P. Salgado Kent, Angela Recalde-Salas & Robert D. McCauley 2017 2 135-152
Otolithic Endorgan Projections of the Inner Ear in a Vocal Fish Joseph A. Sisneros, Margaret A. Marchaterre and Andrew H. Bass 2002 2-3 137-139
Distribution of Unconventional Myosins in the Zebrafish Ear Allison B. Coffin, Dennis M. Higgs, Joelle C. Presson, and Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 140-142
Delimiting spawning areas of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (family Sciaenidae), in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina using passive hydroacoustic surveys J.J. Luczkovich, M.W. Sprague, S.E. Johnson & R.C. Pullinger 1999 2-3 143-160
Personal Perspective: Fish bioacoustics - serendipity in research A.A. Myrberg 1996 2 143-150
Evidence for a hydrodynamic mechanism of sound production by courting males of the notchtongue goby, Bathygobius curacao (Metzelaar) Stadler, J.H. 2002 2 145-152
Functional Evolution of the Lateral Line System: Implications for Fish Bioacoustics Jacqueline F. Webb. 2002 2-3 145-147
Imaging of the Hydrodynamic Environment by the Peripheral Lateral Line System Sheryl Coombs 2002 2-3 148-150
The acoustic signal and associated behaviour of the longear sunfish Lepomis megalotis [abstract] Dawn L. Johnson 1998 2 150
Sound Production in the Territorial Behaviour of the Churchill Petrocephalus catostoma (Mormyridae, Teleostei) from the Upper Zambezi River M. Lamml and B. Kramer 2008 2 151-158
Correlation between vocalization and auditory sensitivity in labyrinth fishes [abstract] Friedrich Ladich and Hong Y. Yan 1998 2 151
Variations of pulse repetition rate in boatwhistle sounds from oyster toadfish Opsanus tau around Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts Edds-Walton, P.L., Mangiamele, L.A. & Rome, L.C. 2002 2 153-173
Matched Peripheral Filtering in the Lateral Line Organ and Relation to Temperature Sietse M. van Netten and J. Esther C. Wiersinga-Post 2002 2-3 153-156
Calcium Influences the Mechanical Properties of Hair Cell Bundles J. Esther C. Wiersinga-Post and Sietse M. van Netten 2002 2-3 156-158
Responses of Primary and Secondary Lateral Line Units to Dipole Stimuli Applied Under Still and Running Water Conditions Jacob Engelmann, Sophia Krother, Joachim Mogdans and Horst Bleckmann 2002 2-3 158-160
Spawning sounds in Whitemouth Croaker (Sciaenidae), seasonal and daily cycles J. S. Tellechea, D. Bouvier & W. Norbis 2011 2 159-168
Stories from receivers' end - How do suqrabranchial chambers modulate hearing abilities of sound producing anabantoid fishes? [abstract] Hong Y. Yan 1998 2 159
Structural and Functional Evidence for Acoustic- Lateral Line Interactions in a Vocal Fish Matthew S. Weeg and Andrew H. Bass 2002 2-3 161-163
A behavioral study of the response of the gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum to high-frequency sounds [abstract] Amy Renee Scholik , Mardi C. Hastings and David Johnson 1998 2 163
The Sense of Hearing of Fishes Richard R. Fay 2002 2-3 167-169
Acoustic Communication and Auditory Neural Computation in Sound-Producing Fish John D. Crawford 2002 2-3 170-172
Response of Goldfish Otolithic Afferents to a Moving Dipole Sound Source Richard R. Fay, Sheryl Coombs and Andreas Elepfandt 2002 2-3 172-174
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2006 and earlier). Part 1: Invertebrates - Birds P. Hansen 2006 2 173-215
Did Auditory Sensitivity and Sound Production Evolve Independently in Fishes? Friedrich Ladich 2002 2-3 176-180
Development of the Fish Auditory System: How Do Changes in Auditory Structure Affect Function? Dennis M. Higgs 2002 2-3 180-183
Effects of noise on acoustic and visual signalling in the Croaking Gourami: differences in adaptation strategies in fish Isabelle Pia Maiditsch & Friedrich Ladich 2023 2 181-198
Ontogeny of Hearing and Sound Production in Fishes Lidia E. Wysocki and Friedrich Ladich 2002 2-3 183-185
Comparative analysis of swimbladder (drumming) and pectoral (stridulation) sounds in three families of catfish F. Ladich 1997 3-4 185-208
Effects of Noise on Auditory Sensitivity of Fishes Amy R. Scholik and Hong Y. Yan 2002 2-3 186-188
The effects of noise exposure on auditory sensitivity of fishes [abstract] Amy R. Scholik and Hong Y. Yan 2002 2 186-187
Spawning sounds of the damselfish, Dascyllus albisella (Pomacentridae), and relationship to male size P. S. Lobel and D. A. Mann 1995 3 187-198
Acoustic and temporal features of sounds of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenldae) in the Miramare Marine Reserve (Gulf of Trieste, Italy) [abstract] Clizia Bonacito, Marco Costantini, Licia Casaretto, Anthony D. Hawkins, Maurizio Spoto and Enrico A. Ferrero 2002 2 187-188
Ultrasound Detection by Clupeiform Fishes David A. Mann, Dennis M. Higgs, William N. Tavolga and Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 188-191
Effects of noise exposure on hearing and modulation of agonistic behaviour in the skunk loach Botia morleti [abstract] Hong Y. Yan, Timothy Sparkes and Callie Prater 2002 2 188
Neuronal and Behavioural Responses of American Shad Alosa sapidissima to Ultrasound Stimuli Dennis T. T. Plachta and Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 191-193
Potential Means for Ultrasound Source Localisation in Herring Carl R. Schilt and Charles W. Escher 2002 2-3 193-195
Hearing Under Ambient and Ship Noise Conditions: a Case Study on Fishes from a Protected Area in the Adriatic Sea Antonio Codarin, Lidia E. Wysocki, Friedrich Ladich and Marta Picciulin 2008 1-3 197-199
