passerine birds - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 199. Click a column heading to sort.
Title Authors Yearsort ascending Issue Pages
Acoustic differentiation of calls in the closely related Dartford (Curruca undata), Marmora’s (Curruca sarda) and Balearic Warblers (Curruca balearica) María Calviño-Cancela & Julio Martín-Herrero 2024 3 237-259
The importance of acoustic background modelling in CNN-based detection of the Neotropical White-lored Spinetail (Aves, Passeriformes, Furnaridae) Thiago M. Ventura, Todor D. Ganchev, Cristian Pérez-Granados, Allan G. de Oliveira, Gabriel de S. G. Pedroso, Marinez I. Marques & Karl-L. Schuchmann 2024 2 103-121
Combining audio and non-audio inputs in evolved neural networks for ovenbird classification Sergio Poo Hernandez, Vadim Bulitko & Erin Bayne 2024 3 221-236
Hard of hearing: the effect of distance and experimental noise on mountain chickadee song transmission C. L. Snell, M. W. Reudink & K. A. Otter 2023 4 387-403
Use of simple graded signals in the long-distance vocal communication of a forest thrush (Catharus fuscescens) Christopher M. Heckscher 2022 1 91-123
The signal value of vocalizations revealing auditory threat assessment in meadow pipit males (Anthus pratensis) Thorsten S. Elfström 2022 2 125-131
Higher-pitched song towards the coast supports a role for selection in ocean noise avoidance Matteo Sebastianelli, Daniel T. Blumstein & Alexander N. G. Kirschel 2022 1 41-58
Using autonomous recording units and change-point analysis to determine reproductive activity in an aerial insectivore Delaney R. Brooks & Joseph J. Nocera 2022 2 208-218
Song theme sharing in the Grey-crowned Warbler, Phylloscopus tephrocephalus A. S. Opaev & Y. A. Kolesnikova 2022 2 191-207
Using referential alarm signals to remotely quantify ‘landscapes of fear’ in fragmented woodland Paul G. McDonald, Samantha J. Doohan & Kyia J. Eveleigh 2022 6 629-645
Software performance for the automated identification of bird vocalisations: the case of two closely related species Jean Marchal, François Fabianek & Yves Aubry 2022 4 397-413
Nestling European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) adjust their begging calls in noise Maheshi E. Dharmasiri, Colleen A. Barber & Andrew G. Horn 2022 5 594-613
Australian magpies adjust their alarm calls according to predator distance Mylène Dutour, Sarah Louise Walsh & Amanda Ruth Ridley 2021 4 458-468
House finches learn canary trills Dan C. Mann, David C. Lahti, Laura Waddick & Paul C. Mundinger 2021 2 215-231
Frequency and synchronization features of a highly overlapped duet changes according to the context Carolina Méndez & Luis Sandoval 2021 1 17-29
Characterizing the flight song: repeatable individual variation of Ovenbird song features Nadine Paul, Megan J. Thompson & Jennifer R. Foote 2021 2 232-251
Variation in song structure of house wrens living in urban and rural areas in a Caribbean Small Island Developing State Marie-Ève Cyr, Kimberley Wetten, Miyako H. Warrington & Nicola Koper 2021 5 594-607
Song amplitude and population density in two sympatric warblers, Phylloscopus schwarzi and P. fuscatus A. S. Opaev & E. M. Shishkina 2021 3 272-283
The sounds between the strophes: different chiffchaff taxa perform different tret calls in their song Vladimir Ivanitskii, Irina Ilina & Irina Marova 2021 4 402-417
Do social factors explain seasonal variation in dawn song characteristics of paired male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea)? Garrett J. MacDonald & Kamal Islam 2021 1 1-16
An analysis of avian vocal performance at the note and song levels David M. Logue, Jacob A. Sheppard, Bailey Walton, Benjamin E. Brinkman & Orlando J. Medina 2020 6 709-730
Pinpointing the position of flying songbirds with a wireless microphone array: three-dimensional triangulation of warblers on the wing Zach G. Gayk & Daniel J. Mennill 2020 4 375-386
Acoustic signals and repertoire complexity in Swallow-tailed Manakins Chiroxiphia caudata (Aves: Pipridae) Laura M. Schaedler, Pedro H. L. Ribeiro, André C. Guaraldo & Lilian T. Manica 2020 2 182-196
Anthropogenic noise masking diminishes house wren (Troglodytes aedon) song transmission in urban natural areas Erin E. Grabarczyk & Sharon A. Gill 2020 5 518-532
Vocal and visual communication in territorial Rock Pipit males (Anthus petrosus), focused on playback experiments. A study of the information content of displays Thorsten Sven Elfström 2020 5 533-556
Effects of ecological factors on the acoustic parameters of passerine species in a tropical lowland forest in southern Vietnam Svetlana S. Gogoleva 2020 1 45-60
Distributed representation of discrete sequential vocalization in the Bengalese Finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) Takuya Koumura & Kazuo Okanoya 2020 3 356-373
Ambient noise decreases detectability of songbird vocalizations in passive acoustic recordings in a consistent pattern across species, frequency, and analysis method Chad A. Apol, Ethan C. Valentine & Darren S. Proppe 2020 3 322-336
Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) nesting close to energy infrastructure alarm call at a lower frequency Bridget Antze & Nicola Koper 2020 2 168-181
Age-related changes in song repertoire size and song type sharing in the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra T. M. Vaytina & D. A. Shitikov 2019 2 140-154
Decoding the “Zeep” complex: Quantitative analysis of interspecific variation in the nocturnal flight calls of nine wood warbler species (Parulidae spp.) Blaine J. Landsborough, Jennifer R. Foote & Daniel J. Mennill 2019 6 555-574
Ability to alter song in two grassland songbirds exposed to simulated anthropogenic noise is not related to pre-existing variability Claire M. Curry, Bridget Antze, Miyako H. Warrington, Paulson Des Brisay, Patricia Rosa & Nicola Koper 2018 2 105-130
Song structure and syllable and song repertoires of the Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola pelzelni) breeding in Argentinean pampas María Juliana Benítez Saldívar & Viviana Massoni 2018 4 327-340
Evidence of suboscine song plasticity in response to traffic noise fluctuations and temporary road closures Katherine E. Gentry, Megan F. McKenna & David A. Luther 2018 2 165-181
Description of the acoustical interaction and synchronization between duetters of the Large-Footed Finch (Pezopetes capitalis) Carla Trejos-Araya & Gilbert Barrantes 2018 2 183-196
A test of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis in three types of tropical forest: degradation of male and female Rufous-and-white Wren songs Brendan A. Graham, Luis Sandoval, Torben Dabelsteen & Daniel J. Mennill 2017 1 37-61
Sensitivity of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum) to Song Syntax Charles E. Taylor, John T. Brumley, Richard W. Hedley & Martin L. Cody 2017 3 259-270
Sequential organization in the song of thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia): clustering and sequential order of the song types V. V. Ivanitskii, I. M. Marova & V. A. Antipov 2017 2 199-215
Songbird tap dancing produces non-vocal sounds Nao Ota, Manfred Gahr & Masayo Soma 2017 2 161-168
Conveying information with one song type: Changes in dawn song performance correspond to different female breeding stages Victor Y. Zhang, Antonio Celis-Murillo, Michael P. Ward 2016 1 19-28
Syntax of complex bird song in the large-billed reed warbler (Acrocephalus orinus) V. V. Samotskaya, A. S. Opaev, V. V. Ivanitskii, I. M. Marova & P. V. Kvartalnov 2016 2 127-143
Structure, syntax, and ‘small-world’ organization in the complex songs of California Thrashers (Toxostoma redivivum) Martin L. Cody, Edward Stabler, Héctor Manuel Sánchez Castellanos & Charles E. Taylor 2016 1 41-54
The Song Overlap Null model Generator (SONG): a new tool for distinguishing between random and non-random song overlap Masco, Christina; Allesina, Stefano; Mennill, Daniel; Pruett-Jones, Stephen 2016 1 29-40
Estimating repertoire size in a songbird: A comparison of three techniques Alexander J. Harris, David R. Wilson, Brendan A. Graham & Daniel J. Mennill 2016 3 211-224
Acoustic profiling in a complexly social species, the American crow: caws encode information on caller sex, identity and behavioural context Exu Anton Mates, Robin R. Tarter, James C. Ha, Anne B. Clark & Kevin J. McGowan 2015 1 63-80
Comparison of autonomous and manual recording methods for discrimination of individually distinctive Ovenbird songs M. Ehnes & J.R. Foote 2015 2 111-121
Song structure of the Golden billed saltator (Saltator aurantiirostris) in the middle Parana river floodplain Evelina J. Leon, Adolfo H. Beltzer, Pamela F. Olguin César F. Reales, Griselda V. Urich, Viviana Alessio, Cecilia G. Cacciabué, Martin A. Quiroga 2015 2 145-152
Relative effects of ambient noise and habitat openness on signal transfer for chickadee vocalizations in rural and urban green-spaces Stefanie E. LaZerte, Ken A. Otter & Hans Slabbekoorn 2015 3 233-252
Transmission characteristics of solo songs and duets in a neotropical thicket habitat specialist bird Luis Sandoval, Torben Dabelsteen, and Daniel J. Mennill 2015 3 289-306
Acoustic patterns of an invasive species: the Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea Scopoli 1786) in a Mediterranean shrubland Almo Farina, Nadia Pieretti, Niki Morganti 2013 3 175-194
