ultrasound - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 78. Click a column heading to sort.
Titlesort descending Authors Year Issue Pages
A bionic sonarhead [abstract] Herbert Peremans, Ashley Walker and John Hallam 1997 3-4 262
A comparison of the performance of broad-band and narrow-band bat detectors in two different habitat types S. Parsons 1996 1 33-43
A method for the synchronisation and control of ultrasound recording and sterophotogrammetry in the reconstruction of animal flight A.P. Norman, L. Teagle & G. Jones 1998 3 207-212
Analysis of Mouse Vocal Communication (AMVOC): A deep, unsupervised method for rapid detection, analysis, and classification of ultrasonic vocalizations Vasiliki Stoumpou, César D. M. Vargas, Peter F. Schade, J. Lomax Boyd, Theodoros Giannakopoulos & Erich D. Jarvis 2023 2 199-229
Analysis of ultrasound using Avisoft -sonagraph software [abstract] Raimund Specht 1997 3-4 276-277
AURITA: an affordable, autonomous recording device for acoustic monitoring of audible and ultrasonic frequencies Richard D. Beason, Rüdiger Riesch & Julia Koricheva 2019 4 381-396
Automated bat call classification using deep convolutional neural networks E. Schwab, S. Pogrebnoj, M. Freund, F. Flossmann, S. Vogl & K.-H. Frommolt 2023 1 1-16
Big Bang? Intense Ultrasound Does Not Have Any Detectable Effects on the Squid Loligo pealeii Maria Wilson, Roger T. Hanlon, Peter L. Tyack and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 321-323
Bioacoustic survey of cicadas [abstract] M. Gogala & A. V. Popov 1996 4 300-301
Biomechanics of hearing in fish: from the Sonic to the Ultrasonic Mardi C. Hastings 2002 2-3 128-131
Book review: Is That a Bat - a guide to non-bat sounds encountered during bat surveys Martin K. Obrist 2021 6 743-744
Book review: The Handbook of acoustic bat detection Krista Patriquin 2022 6 740-742
Changes in Click Source Levels with Distance to Targets: Studies of Free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and Captive Harbor Porpoises Phocoena phocoena Ana Carolina G. Atem, Marianne H. Rasmussen, Magnus Wahlberg, Hans C. Petersen & Lee A. Miller 2009 1-2 49-65
Click communication in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena Karin Tubbert Clausen, Magnus Wahlberg, Kristian Beedholm, Stacy Deruiter & Peter T. Madsen 2010 1 1-28
Description of whistles of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) from the waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia Jordan M. Hoffman, Louisa S. Ponnampalam, Claryana Araújo-Wang, Sui Hyang Kuit, Samuel K. Hung & John Y. Wang 2017 1 15-24
Development and test of a bat calls detection and classification method based on convolutional neural networks Y. Paumen, M. Mälzer, S. Alipek, J. Moll, B. Lüdtke & H. Schauer-Weisshahn 2022 5 505-516
Discomfort-related changes in pup ultrasonic calls of fat-tailed gerbils Pachyuromys duprasi Alexandra S. Zaytseva, Ilya A. Volodin, Olga G. Ilchenko & Elena V. Volodina 2017 1 1-13
Discriminating individual big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) sonar vocalizations in different recording situations S.C. Burnett, K.A. Kazial & W. Mitchell Masters 2001 3 189-210
Echolocating bats and tympanate moths: interactions and perspectives [abstract] D. A. Waters & G. Jones 1995 3 217
Echolocation call description of 15 species of Middle-Eastern desert dwelling insectivorous bats Talya D. Hackett, Marc W. Holderied & Carmi Korine 2017 3 217-235
Echolocation calls of free-flying common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Chile Annia Rodríguez-San Pedro & Juan Luis Allendes 2017 2 153-160
Echolocation in dolphins with a dolphin-bat comparison Whitlow W.L. Au 1997 1-2 137-162
Echolocation signals of bats – a retrospective David Pye 2021 4 487-497
Effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the variability of echolocation pulses of Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) Cristian Kraker-Castañeda, Antonio Santos-Moreno, Consuelo Lorenzo & M. Cristina MacSwiney G. 2019 4 366-380
Effects of Intense Ultrasound on Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua Henriette B. Schack, Hans Malte and Peter T. Madsen 2008 1-3 319-321
Equipment & techniques for the study of ultrasound in air J. D. Pye 1992 1 77-88
Field recordings of echolocation and social signals from the gleaning bat Myotis septentrionalis Miller, L.A. & Treat, A.E. 1993 1-2 67-87
First Description of Atlantic Humpback Dolphin Sousa teuszii Whistles, Recorded Off Angola C.R Weir 2010 3 211-224
Geographical variation in the high-duty cycle echolocation of the cryptic common mustached bat Pteronotus cf. rubiginosus (Mormoopidae) Adrià López-Baucells , Laura Torrent, Ricardo Rocha , Ana Carolina Pavan, Paulo Estefano D. Bobrowiec & Christoph F. J. Meyer 2018 4 341-357
High-frequency hearing sensitivity does not systematically imply aversion to ultrasounds in large terrestrial mammals Anna Terrade, Loïc Prosnier, Colin Vion, Yann Locatelli, Nicolas Mathevon & David Reby 2024 5 448-459
Identification of British bat species by multivariate analysis of echolocation call parameters N. Vaughan, G. Jones & S. Harris 1997 3 189-207
Is fidelity futile? The "true" signal is illusory, especially with ultrasound Pye, J.D. 1993 4 271-286
Low-cost acoustic design of a bat test room R. Correia, C. Faneca, D. Albuquerque, J. Vieira, C. Bastos, C. Fonseca & M.J. Ramos Pereira 2015 1 81-87
Methodological considerations on the acoustic signal analysis for two species of bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) [abstract] C. Zmarich, E. Vernier and F. Ferrero 1997 3-4 275-276
Neuronal and Behavioural Responses of American Shad Alosa sapidissima to Ultrasound Stimuli Dennis T. T. Plachta and Arthur N. Popper 2002 2-3 191-193
Optimizing models of dolphin auditory sensitivity using evolutionary computation Houser, D.S., Helweg, D.A., Moore, P.W.B. & Chellapilla, K. 2001 1 57-78
Personal Perspective: The emergence of animal ultrasound D. Pye 1997 3 235-240
Porpoise clicks from a sperm whale nose - convergent evolution of 130 kHz pulses in toothed whale sonars? P.T. Madsen, D.A. Carder, K. Bedholm & S.H. Ridgway 2005 2 195-206
Potential Means for Ultrasound Source Localisation in Herring Carl R. Schilt and Charles W. Escher 2002 2-3 193-195
Recording ultrasounds in the field [abstract] Gianni Pavan 2002 2 206-207
Sexual differentiation of ultrasonic vocalizations of Mongolian Gerbils [abstract] Seale, W. T. C., & Holman, S. D. 1989 2 168
Social signatures in echolocation calls of a leaf-roosting bat, Kerivoula furva Mei-Ting Kao, Jian-Nan Liu, Hsi-Chi Cheng & Takefumi Nakazawa 2020 4 461-480
Sonographic characterization of ultrasonic vocalisations emitted by infant laboratory mice Mus musculus [abstract] Igor Branchi, Daniela Santucci, Augusto Vitale and Enrico Alleva 1997 3-4 259-260
Sound characterization and structure of the stridulatory organ in Gonogenia tabida (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Paul B.C. Grant, Francois Roets & Michael J. Samways 2014 3 209-217
Sound production and sound emission in seven species of European Tettigoniids. Part I. The different parameters of the song; their relation to the morphology of the bushcricket Keuper, A., Weidemann, S., Kalmring, K. & Kaminski, D. 1988 1 31-48
Sound production with an abdominal "tymbal'' organ in a noctuid moth Pseudoips fagana [abstract] Niels Skals, Annemarie Surlykke and Hanne Serensen 1997 3-4 263
Sound propagation, attenuation and animal communication [abstract] Margaret Walby 2002 2 190-191
Stridulatory organ and ultrasonic emission in certain species of Ponerine ants (Genus Ectotomma and Pachychondyla, Hymenoptera, Formicidae) G. Pavan, M. Priano, P. De Carli, A Fanfani & M. Giovannotti 1997 3-4 209-221
Structural Characteristics of Pulsed Calls of Long-Finned Pilot Whales Globicephala melas Leah Nemiroff & Hal Whitehead 2009 1-2 67-92
Synthetic communication signals influence wild harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour Culik, Boris; von Dorrien, Christian; Müller, Vailett; Conrad, Matthias 2015 3 201-221
