Acoustic tracking of Homarus gammarus inside the Natural Marine Reserve of Miramare: preliminary results [abstract] |
Marta Picciulin, Marco Costantini, M. Spoto & Enrico A. Ferreto |
2002 |
2 |
205 |
Low cost tools for sound recording and analysis: guidelines for a good choice [abstract] |
Gianni Pavan, Michele Manghi, Claudio Fossati & Marco Priano |
2002 |
2 |
205-206 |
Recording ultrasounds in the field [abstract] |
Gianni Pavan |
2002 |
2 |
206-207 |
Wavelet versus Fourier analysis of Philautus spp. croaking [abstract] |
L. Spithoven, M. Eens, N. Koedam and C. De Mol |
2002 |
2 |
206 |
Quantifying acoustic and temporal characteristics of vocalisations for a group of captive African elephants Loxodonta africana |
K. M. Leong, A. Ortolani, K. D. Burks, J. D. Mellen & A. Savage |
2003 |
3 |
213-231 |
Localising bitterns Botaurus stellaris with an array of non-linked microphones |
M. Wahlberg, J. Tougaard, B. Møhl |
2003 |
3 |
233-245 |
Methods of frequency analysis of a complex mammalian vocalisation |
S. K. Darden, S. B. Pedersen & T.Dabelsteen |
2003 |
3 |
247-263 |
Vocal ontogeny of nestling and fledgling black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapilla in natural populations |
M. C. Baker, M. S. A. Baker & D. E Gammon |
2003 |
3 |
265-296 |
Habitat acoustics of a neotropical lowland rainforest |
N. Ellinger & W. Hödl |
2003 |
3 |
297-321 |
Equipment Review: Avisoft Recorder |
J. Russ |
2003 |
3 |
323-330 |