Can you hear me now? A review of signal transmission and experimental evidence for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis |
Braelei Hardt & Lauryn Benedict |
2021 |
6 |
716-742 |
Environmental factors influencing call propagation in Pithecopus nordestinus: testing the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis |
Lidiane Gomes, David Lucas Röhr, Renata S. Sousa-Lima, Adrian Antonio Garda & Flora Acuña Juncá |
2022 |
6 |
696-709 |
Using referential alarm signals to remotely quantify ‘landscapes of fear’ in fragmented woodland |
Paul G. McDonald, Samantha J. Doohan & Kyia J. Eveleigh |
2022 |
6 |
629-645 |
Nestling European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) adjust their begging calls in noise |
Maheshi E. Dharmasiri, Colleen A. Barber & Andrew G. Horn |
2022 |
5 |
594-613 |
Wind farms noise and anuran diversity patterns: a study case at the Brazilian seasonal dry tropical forest |
Rogério Ferreira de Oliveira, André Felipe de Araujo Lira, Valentina Zaffaroni-Caorsi & Geraldo Jorge Barbosa de Moura |
2023 |
5 |
544-555 |
Anthropogenic noise masking diminishes house wren (Troglodytes aedon) song transmission in urban natural areas |
Erin E. Grabarczyk & Sharon A. Gill |
2020 |
5 |
518-532 |
The Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis does not support the occurrence of common songs in a neotropical urban bird species |
Luis Cueva, Raúl Bartolo & Luis Sandoval |
2024 |
6 |
510-526 |
How do tree density and body size influence acoustic signals in Amazonian nurse frogs? |
Marina Vieira da Rosa, Miquéias Ferrão, Pedro Aurélio Costa Lima Pequeno & Albertina Pimentel Lima |
2023 |
5 |
491-505 |
Amplification of frog calls by reflective leaf substrates: implications for terrestrial and arboreal species |
Matías I. Muñoz & Wouter Halfwerk |
2022 |
4 |
490-503 |
Predicting the effects of noise on Anuran spatial distribution: the case of Scinax nebulosus |
Matheus da N. Estrela, Cássio R. M. A. Simões, Gustavo H. C. Vieira & Carlos B. de Araújo |
2020 |
4 |
481-497 |
Prescribed fire and natural habitat characteristics affect crawfish frog (Rana areolata) advertisement call transmission |
Kaleb M. Banks, Owen M. Edwards & Michael S. Reichert |
2024 |
6 |
479-497 |
Soundscape of urban-tolerant crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae, Trigonidiidae) in a tropical Southeast Asia city, Singapore |
Ming Kai Tan |
2021 |
4 |
469-486 |
Noise affects porpoise click detections – the magnitude of the effect depends on logger type and detection filter settings |
Karin Tubbert Clausen, Jakob Tougaard, Jacob Carstensen, Matthieu Delefosse & Jonas Teilmann |
2019 |
5 |
443-458 |
Hard of hearing: the effect of distance and experimental noise on mountain chickadee song transmission |
C. L. Snell, M. W. Reudink & K. A. Otter |
2023 |
4 |
387-403 |
Progress Through Collaboration: a Case Study Examining Effects of Industrial Sounds on Bowhead Whales |
B. Streever, R. P. Angliss, R. Suydam, M. Ahmaogak, C. Bailey, S. B. Blackwell, J. C. George, C. R. Greene, Jr., R. S. Jakubczak, J. Lefevre, T. L. McDonald, T. Napageak and W. J. Richardson |
2008 |
1-3 |
345-347 |
Testing the Equal Energy Hypothesis in Noise-Exposed Fishes |
Michael E. Smith and Ronald R. Gilley |
2008 |
1-3 |
343-345 |
Establishing the Boundary Conditions for Experiments on the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Fish and Invertebrate Animals |
Carl R. Schilt |
2008 |
1-3 |
341-343 |
Assessing Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on the Behaviour of Marine Mammals |
Douglas P. Nowacek and Peter L. Tyack |
2008 |
1-3 |
338-341 |
Designing Experiments to Test for Behavioural Effects of Sound |
Peter K. McGregor |
2008 |
1-3 |
336-338 |
Technical Instrumentation Issues Related to the Design and Execution of a Controlled-Exposure Experiment for Large Cetaceans to Assess Possible Behavioural Responses and Potential Impacts |
Bruce R. Mate |
2008 |
1-3 |
334-336 |
Sound Exposure Chamber for Assessing the Effects of High-Intensity Sound on Fish |
James S. Martin and Peter H. Rogers |
2008 |
1-3 |
331-333 |
Analyses of Small Tank Acoustics: Empirical and Theoretical Approaches |
Tsuyoshi Okumura, Tomonari Akamatsu and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
2-3 |
330-332 |
Testing the Acoustic Tolerance of Harbour Porpoise Hearing for Impulsive Sounds |
Klaus Lucke, Paul A. Lepper, Marie-Anne Blanchet and Ursula Siebert |
2008 |
1-3 |
329-331 |
Evaluation of Fisheries Sonar for Whale Detection in Relation to Seismic Survey Operations |
Frank R. Knudsen, Ole B. Gammelsæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim and Leif Nøttestad |
2008 |
1-3 |
327-328 |
Ambient noise decreases detectability of songbird vocalizations in passive acoustic recordings in a consistent pattern across species, frequency, and analysis method |
Chad A. Apol, Ethan C. Valentine & Darren S. Proppe |
2020 |
3 |
322-336 |
Big Bang? Intense Ultrasound Does Not Have Any Detectable Effects on the Squid Loligo pealeii |
Maria Wilson, Roger T. Hanlon, Peter L. Tyack and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
321-323 |
Effects of Intense Ultrasound on Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua |
Henriette B. Schack, Hans Malte and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
319-321 |
Behavioural, Physiological and Pathological Response of Fishes to Air Gun Noise |
Robert D. McCauley, Jane Fewtrell, Alec J. Duncan and Anita Adhitya |
2002 |
2-3 |
318-321 |
Reaction of Fin Whales, Balaenoptera physalus, to an Earthquake |
Juan-Pablo Gallo-Reynoso, Janitzio Égido-Villarreal and Guadalupe Martínez-Villalba |
2011 |
3 |
317-330 |
Mitigating Seismic Impact on Marine Life: Current Practice and Future Technology |
Max Deffenbaugh |
2002 |
2-3 |
316-318 |
Marine Invertebrates, Intense Anthropogenic Noise, and Squid Response to Seismic Survey Pulses |
R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell |
2008 |
1-3 |
315-318 |
Propagation of the Guiana dolphin sounds in their habitat: measured transmission loss and influence of environmental factors |
Lucimary S. Deconto, Thiago C. Freitas, André C. Guaraldo, Dalila T. Leão, Flávio J. L. Silva & Emygdio L. A. Monteiro-Filho |
2022 |
3 |
313-331 |
Effects of Seismic Shooting and Vessel-Generated Noise, on Fish Behaviour and Catch Rates |
Arill Engas and Svein Løkkeborg |
2002 |
2-3 |
313-316 |
Underwater Ears and the Physiology of Impacts: Comparative Liability for Hearing Loss in Sea Turtles, Birds, and Mammals |
Darlene R. Ketten |
2008 |
1-3 |
312-315 |
Barotrauma in Aquatic Animals |
Mardi Hastings and Thomas Carlson |
2008 |
1-3 |
307-310 |
Preliminary Evidence for the Use of Sound to Decrease Losses of Aquatic Organisms at a Power Plant Cooling Water Intake |
Arthur N. Popper, John Balletto, Kenneth Strait, Fred Winchell, Alan W. Wells and Maureen Vaskis |
2002 |
2-3 |
306-307 |
Effects of Exposure to Pile-Driving Sounds on Fish |
Michele B. Halvorsen, Thomas Carlson and Arthur N. Popper |
2008 |
1-3 |
305-307 |
Monitoring biodiversity through natural sound diversity [abstract] |
Teruyo Oba |
1996 |
4 |
303 |
Distance truncation via sound level for bioacoustic surveys in patchy habitat |
Richard W. Hedley, Scott J. Wilson, Daniel A. Yip, Katie Li & Erin M. Bayne |
2021 |
3 |
303-323 |
Sound degradation and implications for long-distance communication in song birds [abstract] |
M. Naguib |
1996 |
4 |
302 |
Song degradation during propagation: importance of song posts and reaction to degraded signal in the wren Troglodytes troglodytes [abstract] |
N. Mathevon |
1996 |
4 |
301 |
Singing in a noisy ocean: vocal plasticity in male humpback whales |
E. Girola, R. A. Dunlop & M. J. Noad |
2023 |
3 |
301-324 |
Auditory Effects of Intense Sounds on Odontocetes: Continuous, Intermittent, and Impulsive Exposures |
James J. Finneran |
2008 |
1-3 |
301-304 |
Effects of Underwater Sound Fields on Tissues Containing Gas |
Diane Dalecki |
2008 |
1-3 |
299-301 |
Habitat acoustics of a neotropical lowland rainforest |
N. Ellinger & W. Hödl |
2003 |
3 |
297-321 |
Pathological Assessment of Acoustic Noise Effects in Stranded Dolphins |
Daniel F. Cowan |
2008 |
1-3 |
297-298 |
Soundscape diversity in the Great Barrier Reef: Lizard Island, a case study |
Jamie N. McWilliam, Rob D. McCauley, Christine Erbe & Miles J. G. Parsons |
2018 |
3 |
295-311 |
Sound localisation in a habitat: An analytical approach to quantifying the degradation of directional cues |
A. Michelson & K. Rohrseitz |
1997 |
4 |
291-313 |
A Proposed Method to Assess Physical Injury to Fishes from Underwater Sound Produced During Pile Driving |
David P. Woodbury and John H. Stadler |
2008 |
1-3 |
289-291 |
Elaboration of the NRC Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (PCAD) Model |
Douglas Wartzok and Peter Tyack |
2008 |
1-3 |
286-288 |