An automatic acoustic response system for behavioural studies of duetting insects |
T. J. Hammond, W. J. Bailey & G. R. Hammond |
2003 |
1 |
3-14 |
Horizontal angular discrimination by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus |
B. K. Branstetter, S. J. Mevissena, L. M. Herman, A. A. Pack & S. P. Roberts |
2003 |
1 |
15-34 |
Use of a biomonitor to assess the effect of seed hardness on larval feeding of Callosobruchus maculatus in Vigna varieties |
M. A. Q. Sulehrie, P. Golob, B. M. D. Tran & G. Farrell |
2003 |
1 |
35-46 |
Source level of male vocalisations in the genus Mirounga: repeatability and correlates |
S. Sanvito & F. Galimberti |
2003 |
1 |
47-59 |
Comparing repertoires of sperm whale codas: a multiple methods approach |
L. E. Rendell & H. Whitehead |
2003 |
1 |
61-81 |
Hearing in the Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala and the Spanish Timbrado Canary Serinus canaria: the influence of natural and artificial selection on auditory abilities and vocal structure |
B. Lohr, A. Lauer, M. R. Newman & R. J. Dooling |
2004 |
2 |
83-98 |
Spotted hyaena whoops: frequent incidence of vocal instabilities in a mammalian loud call |
G. Peters, M. L. East, H. Herzel, J. R. Henschel, G. L. Mills, K. Wilhelm & H. Hofer |
2004 |
2 |
99-109 |
A new methodological approach to context analysis of call production |
A. Lemasson, J-P. Richard & M. Hausberger |
2004 |
2 |
111-125 |
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2002 and earlier). Part 1: Invertebrates - Birds |
P. Hansen |
2004 |
2 |
127-170 |
Equipment Review: Sound Ruler Acoustical Analysis: a free, open code, multi-platform sound analysis and graphing package |
M. A. Bee |
2004 |
2 |
171-178 |
Book and CD review: Warbler Songs and Calls of Britain and Europe |
L. Moores |
2004 |
2 |
179-180 |
Song structure and singing behaviour of Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus acredula in populations of low and high density |
M. I. Goretskaia |
2004 |
3 |
183-195 |
Individual differences in infant guinea pig pups isolation whistles |
R. S. Tokumaru, C. Ades & P. F. Monticelli |
2004 |
3 |
197-208 |
Being inside nest boxes: does it complicate the receiving conditions for Great Tit Parus major females? |
S. H. Blumenrath, T. Dabelsteen & S. B. Pedersen |
2004 |
3 |
209-223 |
Measuring the sound pressure level of the song of the screaming piha Lipaugus vociferans: one of the loudest birds in the world? |
E. Nemeth |
2004 |
3 |
225-228 |
Recent Bioacoustic Publications (2002 and earlier). Part 2: Mammals - General |
P. Hansen |
2004 |
3 |
229-265 |
Book review: Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals |
Fristrup, K. |
2004 |
3 |
267-271 |