Vessel-Noise Measurements of the Fisheries Research Vessel Dana: a Simplified Cost-Effective Method |
Karl-Johan Stæhr, Bjarne Stage and Bo Lundgren |
2008 |
1-3 |
141-142 |
Underwater Noise from Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Farms |
Jakob Tougaard, Peter T. Madsen and Magnus Wahlberg |
2008 |
1-3 |
143-146 |
Marine Seismic Operations |
Sarah L. Tsoflias and John V. Young |
2008 |
1-3 |
146-148 |
Particle Acceleration Noise Generated by Boats |
Magnus Wahlberg, Henriette B. Schack, Maria Wilson, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
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A preliminary analysis of riverain sound environment based upon sound source species and their acoustic features [abstract] |
T. Oba |
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Mate location in a noisy environment in the cricket frog Acris crepitans blanchardi [abstract] |
Klaudia Witte, Nicole M. Kime, Walter Wilzcynski and Michael J. Ryan |
1998 |
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152 |
Dynamite Blasts in a Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae Breeding Ground, Babuyan Islands, Philippines |
Jo Marie V. Acebes, Jim Darling and Elson Q. Aca |
2008 |
1-3 |
153-155 |
Adaptation to severe conditions of propagation: long-distance distress calls and courtship calls of a colonial seabird |
T. Aubin & N. Mathevon |
1995 |
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153-161 |
The Effects of Noise on Echolocating Odontocetes |
Whitlow W. L. Au |
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Passive Iocalization of acoustic sources in media with non-constant sound velocity ' [abstract] |
T. Scott Brandes |
1998 |
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155-156 |
Valuable Lessons from Studies Evaluating Impacts of Cetacean-Watch Tourism |
Lars Bejder and David Lusseau |
2008 |
1-3 |
158-161 |
Fin Whales Avoid Loud Rhythmic Low-Frequency Sounds in the Ligurian Sea |
Junio F. Borsani, Christopher W. Clark, Barbara Nani, and Michele Scarpiniti |
2008 |
1-3 |
161-163 |
Noise Effects on the Call Amplitude of Southern Resident Killer Whales Orcinus orca |
Marla M. Holt, Val Veirs and Scott Veirs |
2008 |
1-3 |
164-166 |
Evidence of suboscine song plasticity in response to traffic noise fluctuations and temporary road closures |
Katherine E. Gentry, Megan F. McKenna & David A. Luther |
2018 |
2 |
165-181 |
Noise Levels and Masking Potential of Small Whale-Watching and Research Vessels around Two Delphinid Species |
Frants H. Jensen, Magnus Wahlberg, Lars Bejder and Peter T. Madsen |
2008 |
1-3 |
166-168 |
Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) nesting close to energy infrastructure alarm call at a lower frequency |
Bridget Antze & Nicola Koper |
2020 |
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168-181 |
Effects of Noise on Seals and Sea Lions: Laboratory Approaches |
David Kastak |
2008 |
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169-171 |
Redundancy and ambient noise level of the colony in the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
Robisson, P. |
1989 |
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169 |
Short-Term Behavioural Response of Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops aduncus to Recreational Powerboats |
Michelle Lemon, Douglas Cato, Tim Lynch, and Robert Harcourt |
2008 |
1-3 |
171-173 |
Effect of Environmental Noise on the Florida Manatee Trichechus manatus latirostris |
Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds |
2008 |
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176-178 |
Making yourself heard - a study of masking effects on blue tit Parus caeruleus singing interactions [abstract] |
Angelika Poesel, Torben Dabelsteen and Simon Boel Pedersen |
2002 |
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178 |
Long- and Short-Term Changes in Right Whale Acoustic Behaviour in Increased Low-Frequency Noise |
Susan E. Parks, Christopher W. Clark and Peter L. Tyack |
2008 |
1-3 |
179-180 |
Evaluating the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Estuarine Dolphins Sotalia guianensis from Cananeia, Southeastern Brazil |
Mario M. Rollo, Jr., Fabiane Sayuri Iwai and Julia Mazinini Rosa |
2008 |
1-3 |
181-182 |
Effects of noise on acoustic and visual signalling in the Croaking Gourami: differences in adaptation strategies in fish |
Isabelle Pia Maiditsch & Friedrich Ladich |
2023 |
2 |
181-198 |
Masking of Blue and Fin Whales Low-Frequency Vocalizations by Shipping Noise in the Saguenay- St. Lawrence Marine Park |
Yvan Simard, Nathalie Roy and Cédric Gervaise |
2008 |
1-3 |
183-185 |
Deep-Diving Odontocetes Behavioural-Response Study (BRS) |
Brandon Southall, Ian Boyd, Peter Tyack and Douglas Wartzok |
2008 |
1-3 |
185-188 |
Effects of Noise on Auditory Sensitivity of Fishes |
Amy R. Scholik and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
2-3 |
186-188 |
The effects of noise exposure on auditory sensitivity of fishes [abstract] |
Amy R. Scholik and Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
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186-187 |
Assessing Effects of an Acoustic Marine Geophysical Survey on the Behaviour of Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops truncatus |
Sylvia van der Woude |
2008 |
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188-190 |
Effects of noise exposure on hearing and modulation of agonistic behaviour in the skunk loach Botia morleti [abstract] |
Hong Y. Yan, Timothy Sparkes and Callie Prater |
2002 |
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188 |
A bioacoustic approach to diagnosing environments: a combination of the sound source species analysis and sound map [abstract] |
Teruyo Oba |
2002 |
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190 |
Sound propagation, attenuation and animal communication [abstract] |
Margaret Walby |
2002 |
2 |
190-191 |
Seismic Survey Activity and the Proximity of Satellite-Tagged Sperm Whales Physeter macrocephalus in the Gulf of Mexico |
Martha H. Winsor and Bruce R. Mate |
2008 |
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191-193 |
The Lombard effect in nightingales: noise-dependent amplitude regulation of songs and calls in a territorial songbird [abstract] |
Henrik Brumm |
2002 |
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191 |
Hearing Under Ambient and Ship Noise Conditions: a Case Study on Fishes from a Protected Area in the Adriatic Sea |
Antonio Codarin, Lidia E. Wysocki, Friedrich Ladich and Marta Picciulin |
2008 |
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197-199 |
Inter-burrow communication in subterranean rodents: what features are environmental constraints acting over? [abstract] |
Gabriel Francescoli |
2002 |
2 |
197 |
Observations of the Behaviour of Herring Exposed to Low- (1-2 kHz) and Mid- (6-7 kHz) Frequency Sonar Signals |
Lise Doksæter, Petter H. Kvadsheim, Olav R. Godø, Frank P. A. Benders, Patrick J. O. Miller, Frans P. O. Lam, Nils O. Handegard and Vidar Hjellvik |
2008 |
1-3 |
199-201 |
Acoustic Dose-Response Effects in Marine Fish |
Ronald A. Kastelein, Sander van der Heul, Willem Verboom, Dick de Haan and Peter Reijnders |
2008 |
1-3 |
201-202 |
Does Boat Noise Affect Spawning Sound Production of Soniferous Fish in Shallow Estuarine Systems? |
Joseph J. Luczkovich and Mark W. Sprague |
2008 |
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203-205 |
Effects of noise exposure on hearing and sound production in Trichopsis vittata (Pisces; Anabantoidei) [abstract] |
Nicola Novarini, Tomonari Akamatsu & Hong Y. Yan |
2002 |
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203-204 |
The impact of vehicular noise on acoustic indices within simulated bird assemblage soundscapes |
Rebecca L. Ducay & Brent S. Pease |
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Noise-induced hearing loss in two otophysine fishes and effects on acoustic communication [abstract] |
S. Amoser and F. Ladich |
2002 |
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Experiments and Observations of Fish Exposed to Seismic Survey Pulses |
R. D. McCauley and J. Fewtrell |
2008 |
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205-207 |
Reactions of Cod Gadus morhua to Low-Frequency Sound Resembling Offshore Wind Turbine Noise Emissions |
Christina Mueller-Blenkle, Emma Jones, Dave Reid, Karin Lüdemann, Rudolf Kafemann and Andreas Elepfandt |
2008 |
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207-209 |
Being inside nest boxes: does it complicate the receiving conditions for Great Tit Parus major females? |
S. H. Blumenrath, T. Dabelsteen & S. B. Pedersen |
2004 |
3 |
209-223 |
Characterization of Small-Boat Noises Compared with the Chorus of Sciaena umbra (Sciaenidae) |
Marta Picciulin, Antonio Codarin and Maurizio Spoto |
2008 |
1-3 |
210-212 |
Determination of the Effects of Seismic Exploration on Fish (Project SEIFISH) |
Arthur N. Popper, Luc A. Comeau and Steven Campana |
2008 |
1-3 |
212-214 |
Effects of Anthropogenic Sounds on Fish |
Arthur N. Popper and Svien Løkkeborg |
2008 |
1-3 |
214-217 |
Ambient Sound as a Navigational Cue for Larval Reef Fish |
Nicholas Tolimieri, Olivia Raine, John C. Montgomery and Andrew Jeffs |
2002 |
2-3 |
214-217 |
Marine mammals and man-made noise: current issues [abstract] |
W. John Richardson |
1998 |
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216-217 |