Volume 6 - index of articles

Displaying 1 - 50 of 87. Click a column heading to sort.
Titlesort descending Authors Year Issue Pages
A pilot study for recognition of individual nightjars [abstract] M. Rebbeck 1996 4 306
A sound base for bioacoustic research: the National Sound Archive in London [abstract] R. Ranft 1996 4 305
Acoustic analyses on the vocal development of the human infant during the first year of life [abstract] Regina Wick 1994 1 72
Acoustic communication in shallow water: a field study on the clawed frog Xenopus l. laevis [abstract] A. Elepfandt 1996 4 298-299
Acoustic communication in triglid fish [abstract] M C. de Amorim & A. D. Hawkins 1995 3 220
Acoustic communication of Pinnipedia in agonistic behaviour [abstract] T. Yu. Lisicina 1996 4 312-313
Adaptation to severe conditions of propagation: long-distance distress calls and courtship calls of a colonial seabird T. Aubin & N. Mathevon 1995 2 153-161
Analysis of signals from stridulatory organs without any resonance [abstract] G. Tschuch 1996 4 310
Audio cassette review: Canto de las Aves Boswall, J. 1995 2 179-181
Audio cassette review: Voices of neotropical wood warblers: Parulidae Vielliard, J. 1995 2 181-183
Audio cassette review: Voices of the Tinamous B. Whitney 1995 3 249-251
Avisoft-Sonagraph Pro - sonagraphic analysis under Windows [abstract] R. Specht 1996 4 308
Bioacoustic survey of cicadas [abstract] M. Gogala & A. V. Popov 1996 4 300-301
Bioacoustics and SI-quantities and units [abstract] S. Wahlström 1996 4 311-312
Book review: Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations by C.K. Catchpole & P.J.B. Slater A.G. Horn 1996 4 333-334
Chaffinch song in western and southern Poland [abstract] A. Wistel-Wozniak & J. Böhner 1996 4 323-324
Cicada tymbal mechanics and the role of the tymbal in sound production [abstract] H. C. Bennet-Clark & D. Young 1995 3 220
Communication by falsetto [abstract] G. Tembrock 1996 4 309
Computer-aided acoustic analysis of complex bird calls [abstract] J. Böhner & K. Hammerschmidt 1996 4 313-314
Computer-aided analysis of acoustic parameters: new possibilities of signal analysis [abstract] L. Schrader & K. Hammerschmidt 1996 4 307
Constrained permutation in "chick-a-dee"- like calls of a black-lored tit Parus xanthogenys J.P. Hailman 1994 1 33-50
Context-related vocalizations in bottlenosed dolphins [abstract] V. M. Janik 1995 3 219-220
Control of call carrier frequency in the bush cricket Ruspolia nitidula R.O. Stephen & J.C. Hartley 1995 2 163-170
Cooperative bioacoustic research in the Mediterranean Sea with the Italian Navy [abstract] G. Pavan, D. Nascetti, M. Manghim, M. Priano, C. Fossati & J. F. Borsani 1996 4 318-319
Dialect systems of micro-populations in scarlet rosefinches Carpodacus erythrinus [abstract] G. Steidel 1996 4 308
Different singing styles of mated and unmated males in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus [abstract] Erwin Nemeth 1994 1 71
Directional hearing in insects: an evolutionary and mechanistic analysis [abstract] D. Robert & R. R. Hoy 1995 3 215
Does the redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus mimic bird species heard during migration? Jacques Comolet-Tirman 1994 1 73-79
Dual channel real-time analysis on a PC [abstract] G. Pavan & M. Manghi 1996 4 304
Echolocating bats and tympanate moths: interactions and perspectives [abstract] D. A. Waters & G. Jones 1995 3 217
Ecological bioacoustics of mammals [abstract] A. Nikol'skii 1996 4 302-303
Energetics of echolocation [abstract] J. R. Speakman 1995 3 219
Equipment for sound analysis and playback: a survey P. McGregor & R Ranft 1994 1 83-86
Equipment review: Avisoft-Sonagraph Pro 2.3 Sound Analysis Software for Windows PCs R. Ranft 1995 3 253-260
Equipment review: Signalize: Signal analysis for speech and sound T. Reide 1996 4 327-331
Equipment review: The PDR 1000 portable DAT recorder C. Watson 1995 2 175-177
Evolutionary influences on the receiver system in insect bioacoustics; coevolution and sexual selection [abstract] M. G. Ritchie 1995 3 216
Function of the song in the lesser whitethroat Sylvia curruca [abstract] I. Klit 1996 4 300
Geographical variation of the song of the scarlet rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus [abstract] H.-W. Helb & D. Wallschlager 1996 4 316
Hydroacoustical investigations on the frog Pipa carvalhoi [abstract] H. Heuwinkel & G. Bunten 1996 4 317
Individual and local variations in the song of the snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) on Spitzbergen Y. Espmark 1995 2 117-133
Individually distinctive corncrake Crex crex calls: a pilot study L. May 1994 1 25-32
Intra- and interindividual variations in the song of the little bunting Emberiza pusilla [abstract] K.-H. Frommolt 1996 4 315
Laughter in response to tickling: a comparative approach [abstract] J. Skirl & D. Todt 1996 4 321-322
Low-cost real-time spectrographic analysis of sounds [abstract] Gianni Pavan 1994 1 81
Monitoring biodiversity through natural sound diversity [abstract] Teruyo Oba 1996 4 303
New methods for recording low-amplitude signals. Application to the analysis of the courtship song of Drosophila genus [abstract] T. Aubin 1996 4 297-298
New opportunities in electronic distribution of information on bioacoustics [abstract] M. Manghi, G. Pavan, M. Priano & A. Ghezzi 1996 4 317-318
On the song of Sylvia curruca, Sylvia nana and Sylvia communis in Mongolia [abstract] Dieter Wallschlager 1994 1 80
Ontogeny of time structure in nightingale song [abstract] S. Wendlandt & D. Todt 1996 4 322-323
